Edmonton Journal

Garage owner gets chance in top court

- Colin Perkel

TORONTO • A garage owner will get a chance to argue before the Supreme Court of Canada that he should not be held responsibl­e for the terrible injuries a teen suffered when he and a friend stole a car from his lot and crashed it.

Canada’s top court agreed last week to hear the highly unusual case in which the injured teen successful­ly sued the garage for leaving the car unlocked and its keys in the ashtray.

Court records show the teens had been drinking and smoking marijuana when they trespassed on Chad Rankin’s property in Paisley, Ont., late on an evening in July 2006. One of the teens, then 16, decided to steal a Toyota Camry even though he had never driven before.

The duo headed to Walkerton but never made it. The passenger, who can only be identified as J.J., was left with catastroph­ic brain injuries in the ensuing crash. J.J., then 15, sued his friend and his friend’s mother as well as Rankin for negligence.

Superior Court Justice Johanne Morissette determined Rankin owed J.J. a duty of care because, among other things, people entrusted with motor vehicles “must assure themselves that the youth in their community are not able to take possession of such dangerous objects.”

The jury then found the injured teen and the defendants negligent, but laid the bulk of the blame — 37 per cent — on the garage owner.

Last October, Ontario’s Court of Appeal refused to overturn the trial verdict, saying that Rankin did indeed owe J.J. a duty of care. It also found the jury’s findings reasonable.

“On the face of things, the notion that an innocent party could owe a duty of care to someone who steals from him seems extravagan­t, but matters are not so simple,” Appeal Court Justice Grant Huscroft wrote for the panel. “It is well establishe­d that the duty of care operates independen­tly of the illegal or immoral conduct of an injured party.”

The Appeal Court found that ample evidence supported the conclusion of “foreseeabi­lity” that a car might be stolen.

Trial witnesses, the court noted, testified that Rankin’s Garage routinely left cars unlocked with the keys inside. In addition, evidence was that the garage took no measures to keep people off the property when it was closed; there had been a previous auto theft from the lot; and joyriding in the area was common.

Rankin, Huscroft found, had abrogated his responsibi­lity for securing the cars against theft by minors like J.J. and while a different jury might have parcelled out the blame differentl­y, its conclusion­s were not unreasonab­le. The court also ordered Rankin to pay J.J. $30,000 in legal costs.

It’s not clear when the Supreme Court will hear the case.

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