Edmonton Journal


- GRAHAM THOMSON gthomson@postmedia.com Twitter.com/graham_journal

If all goes according to plan (as pundits see it) on Saturday afternoon, Jason Kenney will win the leadership of Alberta’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party. Then what?

Well, I would suggest Kenney change his name — to “Not Sure.”

I base that advice on a Mainstreet/Postmedia public opinion poll released this week.

It asked this question: “If the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party of Alberta and the Wildrose Party were to merge, who would you prefer as leader?”

In fourth place (also last place) was Kenney at 17 per cent of respondent­s.

Wildrose Leader Brian Jean was third with 26 per cent.

In second was “Someone Else” with 28 per cent.

And first place went to “Not Sure” with 29 per cent support.

The telephone poll of almost 2,400 people conducted March 10 has a margin of error of 2.01 percentage points 19 times our of 20. So, in theory Brian Jean and “Someone Else” might be tied.

But “Not Sure” is clearly in front. By changing his name to “Not Sure,” Kenney would immediatel­y jump to first place in the upcoming fight with Jean to unite the right.

He’d also do well in all kinds of other polls dealing with, for example, how to balance the provincial budget without massive cuts, how to reduce taxes without creating a deficit, or how to lower greenhouse gas emissions without a carbon levy.

“Not Sure” is the perfect slippery answer to so many tricky questions.

I am, of course, being facetious. My point, though, is that when it comes to uniting Alberta’s conservati­ve parties, neither Kenney nor Jean has set the world on fire. It might be because neither politician is particular­ly well known.

Or maybe it’s that Albertans are looking for somebody, well, better. Somebody that doesn’t make them go “meh” in a publicopin­ion poll.

“Jean’s done a good job as leader of the Opposition, but there’s some hope someone else will come in the race,” said Mainstreet Research president Quito Maggi to explain the results. “Neither Kenney nor Jean seem to have really electrifie­d people — maybe people are looking for someone newer or younger.”

Maggi suggested Kenney’s image might have been bruised during the leadership campaign that saw some of his supporters accused of bullying tactics.

An interestin­g facet of the poll is how Jean did significan­tly better than Kenney. We’ve seen similar numbers in other polls with Jean ahead of Kenney.

Maggis said Jean has been able to solidify his base while leading Alberta’s official Opposition. By building that base among supporters, he’s also become better known by the public.

That gives Jean a leg up on the unite the right race that will begin in earnest on Sunday, after Kenney has taken a victory lap at the PC leadership convention.

Jean has already issued an invitation to whomever wins the leadership to sit down for a chat on Monday to discuss moving to unite conservati­ves under one banner.

However, Jean is once again emphasizin­g that any unificatio­n be done under the Wildrose’s “legal framework.”

In other words, he does not agree with Kenney’s plan to wind up both parties to form a new entity.

Instead, Jean wants the unificatio­n to be done in the Wildrose tent (likely under a new name).

Jean wants to move quickly. He’ll put the plan to his members at their annual convention in June.

But this is sure to be a contentiou­s point with Kenney, who wants members of both parties to dissolve their old factions so they can be equals building a new one.

This is where things could get really messy and nasty and, um, interestin­g.

But, of course, I’m basing all of this on the prediction that Kenney will win the leadership.

If either Richard Starke or Byron Nelson wins, we’ll be left wondering, what happens next?

In that case, you can call me “Not Sure.”

 ?? RYAN MCLEOD ?? Jason Kenney supporters rally Friday on Stephen Avenue in Calgary prior to the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party of Alberta’s 2017 leadership election at the Telus Convention Centre on Saturday. A Mainstreet/Postmedia public opinion poll released this...
RYAN MCLEOD Jason Kenney supporters rally Friday on Stephen Avenue in Calgary prior to the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party of Alberta’s 2017 leadership election at the Telus Convention Centre on Saturday. A Mainstreet/Postmedia public opinion poll released this...
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