Edmonton Journal

Take proper steps to keep water out of your home

Closely watch grading, your garden and landscapin­g to prevent potential damage

- MIKE HOLMES Watch Mike Holmes in his series, Holmes Makes It Right, on HGTV. For more informatio­n, visit makeitrigh­t.ca.

My biggest gauge of a well-built house is based on one thing: How it handles water.

We all need water to live — but water can also be the source of a lot of headaches for homeowners. If your home is not properly protected, water can cause serious damage to your home.

I’m talking about mould and rot — which can have a negative impact on the health of you and your family.

Whenever I build, I make sure I’m taking steps to keep the water out, but I can’t build every home. If you’re worried about water, you will want to take a look at the landscapin­g around your home. It can have more of an impact than you might think.


I don’t have the greenest thumb, but I know how much a well-maintained garden can add to the curb appeal of your home. And for those of you who love gardening, it only makes sense to build a flower bed you can take pride in. The problem is that I find so many homeowners who have built their garden right next to their home — and that’s a mistake. Why?

So often the flower beds are built so that soil is mounded in a way that makes it drop off toward the house. Every time you water those plants, you’ll be directing more water to your home. And of course, every time it rains, that water will naturally be directed toward your home — when you want it driven away.

Landscapin­g right next to the house can cause big problems if you’re not careful. Think about it: When you’re digging near your walls to plant new greenery, you’re disturbing the soil and leaving it less compressed. This leaves the soil porous, and it can suck water up like a sponge, sending it straight down toward your basement foundation. Keep your garden away from your walls to keep your basement dry.


Are you preparing for some new landscapin­g projects this spring? Trees can make a property beautiful and create some much-needed shade, but you want to think about their placement carefully.

If you have any fully grown trees on your property, take a look at the spread of the branches and limbs. Now think about this: A tree’s root system will likely grow to surpass its canopy area. That could mean a problem for your pipes or weeping tile if the roots penetrate your system.

If this happens, you can have the experts come in to scope your drains and run a special saw through your system which will whip through your pipes and cut out the roots. Unfortunat­ely, this is only a temporary fix — you may be required to replace the penetrated sections and kill those intrusive roots.


When it comes to grading around your home, I’m talking about ensuring that there’s a slope up to your home so that when it rains, water naturally drives away from the foundation walls.

Ideally, you will have a slight slope of five or six degrees as you move away from the house.

To put it more simply, the ground six feet (1.8 metres) away from your home should be about three inches (1.6 centimetre­s) lower than the ground at your foundation. That will be sufficient in keeping water moving away from the home.

While you’re checking the grading of your landscapin­g, it’s a good time to look at your walkways and any patio stones.

Are they sloping toward your home?

If you’re bringing in an expert to design your landscapin­g, the mark of a true pro will be measured if they’re making sure to account for grading around your home. Nobody wants to do the same job twice. If you’re worried about water, take some preventive measures before you have to deal with mould or rot.

Your landscapin­g choices are a great chance to personaliz­e your home and give it some character — but don’t let your green thumb get the better of you.

Keep the plants where they belong — away from your house.

Trees can make a property beautiful and create some much-needed shade, but you want to think about their placement carefully.

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