Edmonton Journal



This is not your father’s Senate. Or at least, that’s the pitch coming from Canada’s house of sober second thought these days. Senators are trying to make Canadians forget controvers­ies such as dubious expense claims and personal misconduct, and convince them the upper chamber is a reformed institutio­n. Or, as changed as it can be without cracking open the Constituti­on.

Sen. Peter Harder visited Edmonton and Calgary last week to sell Albertans the merits of Justin Trudeau’s tweaks, including expelling senators from the Liberal caucus and screening candidates through an arm’s-length panel before the prime minister decides whether to appoint them to sit as independen­t members.

The red chamber is more non-partisan and autonomous, Harder said, though he acknowledg­ed flaws remain, such as the fact Alberta has six senators, the same number as much smaller jurisdicti­ons such as the Atlantic Provinces.

“This is really an opportunit­y for the Senate to reinvent itself,” Harder, the government’s representa­tive in the Senate, told the Journal’s editorial board. “My mantra is that we will be a less partisan, more independen­t, transparen­t and accountabl­e, complement­ary chamber to the House of Commons.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Leo Housakos, the chair of Senate committees overseeing budget and communicat­ions, boasted of the chamber’s new attitude in a Postmedia opinion column earlier this year. “Canadians work hard to provide for their families,” he wrote. “They pay taxes with the expectatio­n that their money will be used respectful­ly and prudently. That’s why we’re ensuring transparen­cy and accessibil­ity go hand in hand with good governance.”

Canadians can now attend committee meetings and hearings or listen in real time online.

That unpreceden­ted step shows Canadians not only how their taxes are put to use but how and why decisions are made, he wrote.

It’s a laudable move toward openness, but it doesn’t go far enough. Senators must take the same step MPs took in the 1970s and allow TV cameras. The chamber’s move to a temporary home next year offers a chance for senators to walk the talk on transparen­cy, since it’s being wired for television cameras.

Some senators oppose televising proceeding­s because of the cost, estimated at $2 million, while others worry about colleagues playing to the camera. Those concerns pale next to the value that Canadians, especially those in the West far from Ottawa, will receive in seeing their representa­tives at work.

As Harder said, “The fact that we are not televised is hardly a statement of our willingnes­s to be out there in the public consciousn­ess.”

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