Edmonton Journal


From cartoon themes to jazz standards, pianist adds his own touch


As Martin Mull famously put it, “talking about music is like dancing about architectu­re.”

John Stetch recently used analogies tied to the dramatic arts, software updates, and building renovation­s to explain where he’s at musically and why not?

Over the past few decades the Edmonton-born pianist, improviser and composer has brought his creative energies to explore jazz standards and abstractio­ns, classical repertoire, popular television themes, folk music from his Ukrainian heritage and numerous original pieces.

He enjoys penning new tunes but finds improvisin­g on Chopin or Monk equally stimulatin­g.

“Sometimes there’s a need for a new building, but it’s just as important to me to take something older, a standard or something classical, and take that lifelong adventure of finding something different every time. There’s no end to the joy of finding out how to play it, exploring how to be in that zone and deliver it.”

As musical reno work goes, Stetch is an economical contractor.

“The newness isn’t necessaril­y in the notes. It’s how in the moment you can be with pieces. You might not have to renovate the whole place but just bring in a designer and change some furniture and some colours. Sometimes I think there’s too much emphasis on fixing things that aren’t broken.”

Now in Vancouver after some 25 years living in New York (city and upstate), Stetch had just finished a two-week run of solo workshops for Edmonton Public Schools when we met over coffee. He was hanging out with family in anticipati­on of leading his new quartet at the Yardbird this Saturday.

You might wonder if his recent relocation to Vancouver has anything to do with the American political climate, but it turns out the move is tied to romance, not Trump.

After teaching at the college level, he has also enrolled in a Masters program in compositio­n at the University of British Columbia, in part to learn more about orchestrat­ing for larger ensembles.

Ironically, the other players in his new quartet Vulneravil­le for a 10-date tour of Canada this month are all New Yorkers, versatile musicians who “came together accidental­ly” over the past year or so. He was pleased they expressed an interest in playing his tunes and he hopes to record with the band this fall for what would be his 14th album release.

A quick listen to some recent live tracks from the band reveals an excellent rapport, swinging momentum, minimalist melodies and hard playing. The bandleader says Dutch-born drummer Philippe Lemm learned his pieces without studying charts. Tenor saxophonis­t Steve Kortyka and bassist Ben Tiberio complete the group.

“The drummer and bassist are especially advanced rhythmical­ly. They’re a younger generation but they’re used to playing even more complex stuff. I can’t remember working with a drummer who made the hard tunes sound so fun and light and easy, and he’s studied Indian drumming, too. My sax player Steve is more open to playing the old-fashioned licks when it’s warranted.”

Stetch sports incredible technical skills himself but his imaginatio­n is equally impressive. He sees improvisin­g and composing as close cousins, and says he’s also more open to the jazz tradition.

“I don’t believe in forcing originalit­y. Insisting on a whole new way of doing things can push you into the bizarre. You have to go with what you hear and feel, and the more you know of the tradition, the more confident you’ll get that you could be original in using it.”

At 51, genre-crossing Stetch says the older he gets, the less stylistic boundaries seem relevant.

“It’s getting easier. When I did the TV album (TV Trio, 2008), I remember feeling a bit insecure that maybe people would laugh at me for doing cartoon themes and stuff like that, but now I would easily do a second volume because it’s not about the TV show. You’re taking a well-known melody and making it your own and having fun, using it as a starting point almost to compose. I’m blurring the boundaries even more in a good way. I don’t claim to be an expert in any area, but I’m grabbing what I love and synthesizi­ng them. More and more it’s just all music.”

Stetch promises a mix of new and old material this visit. His quartet plays Yardbird Suite (Gateway Blvd. at 86 Avenue) on Saturday at 8 p.m.

Tickets cost $24 for members, $28 for guests, in advance from Tix On The Square or at the door. Upcoming jazz: Along with names like Dianne Reeves and Donny McCaslin, the TD Edmonton Internatio­nal Jazz Festival announced its full program Wednesday. Check edmontonja­zz.com for details.

Before then, notable jazz dates include San Francisco saxophonis­t Anton Schwartz on Friday, May 5 at the Yardbird with the quintet that has won him considerab­le radio and print attention. At the same venue, pianist Tom Van Seters leads his all-star Narrative Quintet on Thursday, May 11, while Los Angeles pianist Jon Mayer coleads a quartet with P.J.Perry on May 12-13.

Further into May, look for returning visits from Brazilian singer Fernanda Cunha and a new album release from Edmonton trombonist Audrey Ochoa.

And for those who enjoy the adventurou­s, that master reedman of the European jazz scene, Germany’s Peter Brotzmann returns May 28, this time in another unusual duo setting with Scottish pedal steel guitarist Heather Leigh. For details visit yardbirdsu­ite.com.

I don’t believe in forcing originalit­y. Insisting on a whole new way of doing things can push you into the bizarre.

 ??  ?? John Stetch, left, and his new quartet, Vulneravil­le, will play a mix of old and new material on their 10-date tour of Canada.
John Stetch, left, and his new quartet, Vulneravil­le, will play a mix of old and new material on their 10-date tour of Canada.

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