Edmonton Journal

What happens to moderate conservati­ves?

Political polarizati­on getting worse, Dennis Anderson says.


The end of the “progressiv­e” Conservati­ve Party in Alberta, caused by possibly uniting with the Wildrose party to form the United Conservati­ve Party, is reminiscen­t of a similar demise of the “Progressiv­e” Conservati­ve party nationally. Both did this to unite two parties and both seem likely to have their policies now moving away from much of the moderate approaches the progressiv­es in these parties had in place in years gone by. In Alberta, this also seems to end the existence of any party with moderate intentions, that could be successful in the coming provincial election. Even federally, the success of the Liberals, in part, may have been a delayed indication of the federal Conservati­ves’ move further to the right. Historical­ly, Alberta’s PC party advocated for an economic-management approach to government while at the same time supporting public commitment­s to social issues to improve the lives of citizens. Peter Lougheed, Don Getty, Ed Stelmach, and more recently Alison Redford, led this joint approach to governance. Nationally, leaders such as Joe Clark had the same approach. Today, citizens in Alberta seem to have only the choice of the left-wing party, the NDP, or the newly announced and evolving United Conservati­ve Party. Ironically, the provincial Liberals have been historical­ly unable to develop a major position in politics except for one time in the past. Even with a dedicated and well-meaning acting leader Dr. David Swann, the party is said to have not many more than 250 members involved in their two-person leadership race that ended with the election of David Khan in June. The only other possibilit­y for a moderate government would seem to be electing the Alberta Party. They have one member of the Legislativ­e Assembly. Their win would be even more of a

The only other possibilit­y for a moderate government would seem to be electing the Alberta Party.

surprise than the last election that saw the end of 40 four years of PC rule and the majoritygo­vernment election of the NDP, which had never been elected before in Alberta. Historical­ly, a similar dramatic change took place in 1971 when the Peter Lougheed-led Progressiv­e Conservati­ves took over from the long-standing Social Credit government. That change was not, however, seen as a substantia­lly different political philosophy. Given what seems to be a more moderate view of governance in the general public, it is ironic that the province seems to be given the choice of extremes. The NDP, with much union control and commitment­s to government support of the public and control of industry, and the new United Conservati­ve Party dedicated to economic developmen­t and evolution. If one believes the polls are correct in determinin­g the results of the next election, the United Conservati­ves will easily win and the NDP will lose the only government it has held in this province. However, the world has changed. While elections could once be predicted on the basis of how families had voted before, that no longer seem to be the case. Social media helps to make it unsure what will happen even the day before an election. This was true with the election of U.S. President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s majority win. In Alberta, the current economy would be a challenge for any government. If the economy improves, so might the results of the election. Premier Notley is showing some commitment to oil developmen­t and the province’s economic needs. This may change some predicted voting patterns. Given the emotional effects of social media on voting, even the Alberta Party could have a chance. Prediction­s are no longer likely to indicate results. Perhaps what seems to be a likely victory for the United Conservati­ve Party may not take place. It also may be that the move to the right and away from a historical balance will be seen as a trend that does not represent all public needs. Dennis Anderson was a Progressiv­e Conservati­ve MLA and cabinet minister for 14 years.

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