Edmonton Journal


Conviction, sentence part of expanded focus


A Tunisian man convicted in a botched Canadian terror plot is being treated in prison with anti-psychotic drugs and now plans to appeal both his conviction and his sentence, a lawyer appointed on his behalf said Wednesday.

Chiheb Esseghaier was convicted in 2015 of planning a series of never-executed terror attacks. An undercover FBI agent recorded him discussing plans to cut a hole in a Torontoare­a railway bridge — possibly with a laser — poison the food on a military base, and trigger the eruption of a long-dormant volcano.

Esseghaier represente­d himself at trial and often acted erraticall­y, by turns spitting, ranting and falling asleep in court. Two separate psychiatri­sts testified during his sentencing that he was actively delusional and likely schizophre­nic. He appeared to believe that, like Jesus, he would literally be taken into heaven when he was 33. He believed prison guards were conspiring to keep the actual date from him. He mounted no real defence and refused to acknowledg­e the jurisdicti­on of the court.

(He demanded, throughout the trial, to be judged by the Qur’an, not Canadian law.)

On Wednesday, more than two years after his conviction, a court-appointed lawyer revealed that Esseghaier is now being treated for his mental illness in a B.C. prison. He “now understand­s the severity” of his life sentence, said Toronto lawyer Erin Dann, and intends to widen his appeal.

Esseghaier was convicted of conspiring to commit murder for the benefit of or in associatio­n with a terrorist group, among other charges. He was sentenced to life in prison with no possibilit­y of parole until at least 2023.

A court-appointed lawyer argued at the time that Esseghaier should be forcibly medicated before his sentencing. But the trial judge, Michael Code, rejected that request.

On Wednesday, Dann told the Ontario Court of Appeal that Esseghaier intends to ask for more time before filing an expanded appeal, one that will include both his conviction and his sentence.

Dann does not technicall­y represent Esseghaier. She is an amicus curaie, or friend of the court, appointed to help with the appeal. It remains to be seen whether Esseghaier, who may now be capable of instructin­g counsel, will hire a lawyer on his own.

Meanwhile, Esseghaier’s co-conspirato­r, Raed Jaser, broadened his own appeal Wednesday. Jaser had already announced plans to appeal his conviction and sentence, the latter on the grounds that a life sentence was “excessive, harsh and unfit” punishment for his crimes.

In a notice of appeal filed in 2015, his lawyer, John Norris, argued that the trial judge erred in several ways. He claimed Code should have ordered Esseghaier hospitaliz­ed and should have excluded some wiretap evidence, among other points.

Norris also now intends to argue that Code improperly empanelled the jury. To do that, he’ll rely on a precedent-setting ruling released just this month in another high-profile Toronto trial.

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently ordered a new trial for Christophe­r Husbands, who shot seven people in a Toronto food court, killing two of them, on the grounds that the judge in that case should have allowed a different procedure for striking potential jurors.

The judge in Jaser’s case made the same ruling on the same issue, Norris said Wednesday. “The issue was fully argued at our trial and the trial judge ruled against us,” he wrote in an email. “We will be relying on Husbands (and several other decisions from the Court of Appeal dealing with the same issue) to argue that he erred.”

The appeal process for both men will likely drag on several more years. Transcript­s for the original case are still being produced and Dann said she does not expect the case to heard until the middle of 2018 at the earliest.

Joseph Di Luca, who had been serving as Dann’s co-amicus, was appointed to the Ontario Superior Court in 2016 and is no longer on the case.

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Chiheb Esseghaier

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