Edmonton Journal


Growing number of home equity borrowers warned there’s a high price to easy approvals


VANCOUVER Their ads trumpet the ease of using the equity in your home to get cash.

Alpine Credits helps customers get loans approved “regardless of your credit, age, or income,” the company’s commercial­s say. In a Capital Direct radio spot, veteran British Columbia broadcaste­r Bill Good encourages listeners to call one of the company’s “friendly” advisers “if you could use any amount up to $300,000 or more,” telling them “it’s your money.”

While federally regulated banks dominate Canada’s residentia­l mortgage lending market, accounting for more than 80 per cent, business appears to be growing for many “alternativ­e” lenders, including two of the most visible B.C. companies, Capital Direct and Alpine Credits, who say they have provided more than $1 billion of loans each.

Representa­tives of home equity lending companies say they provide a valuable service, filling a need for Canadians unable to get loans from convention­al, regulated financial institutio­ns. Both defenders and critics of alternativ­e mortgage lenders say more Canadians are turning to these less-regulated lenders as the federal government has tightened lending requiremen­ts at federally regulated financial institutio­ns.

A Bank of Canada report from late last year said: “Tightening bank regulation ... can lead to migration of activity from the traditiona­l banking sector” to alternativ­es.

The breezy tone of their ads doesn’t sit well with a number of credit counsellor­s and foreclosur­e lawyers. They say that while these alternativ­e lenders aren’t breaking any rules, the public needs to better understand what’s behind the catchy jingles: high costs and potential risk.

Typically, a home-equity loan is short-term (two years or less) and is secured against a borrower’s home as a second or third mortgage. Regulatory filings for Capital Direct and Ryan Mortgage Income Fund (a company affiliated with Alpine Credits, which purchases its mortgages) show a range of interest rates, often between 10 and 15 per cent. A small number of Capital Direct’s loans have interest rates as high as 25 per cent. Canada’s major banks have offered five-year fixed mortgage rates between 2.59 and 2.99 per cent in recent months.

The upfront fees charged by some alternativ­e lenders can be significan­t, with five-figure sums charged before a loan is issued.

Most home equity borrowers use the money for renovation­s or to consolidat­e debt, according to a 2016 survey by Canadian Mortgage Profession­als. But borrowed funds can be used for any purpose, which concerns credit counsellor­s at a time when Canadians are increasing­ly willing to use debt to fund their lifestyles.

Some ads for alternativ­e mortgage lenders highlight that loans can be used to fund any frivolous purpose a homeowner chooses. In one Alpine Credits commercial, a cartoon “approval specialist” says an applicant “wants a loan to add a four-storey waterslide to his home.” After establishi­ng the applicant is a homeowner, the narrator announces “He’s approved!” as the room erupts in cheers. Confetti rains down. Champagne sprays around.

Abdul Rahimi said he learned about Alpine Credits “through all these advertisem­ents on TV 24/7.”

He wanted to start his own business, he said, and because he’d owned his Port Coquitlam, B.C. home for more than a decade, he applied for a home-equity loan. But after his business hit a rough patch, he said, he had trouble making the payments. He defaulted on the loan last year and Ryan Mortgage (the Alpine Credits-affiliated company) started a foreclosur­e action against his home.

Rahimi said Alpine and Ryan Mortgage did not mislead him. He blamed himself for not fully understand­ing what he signed up for.

Some chartered banks also offer home equity loans, but at “very reasonable” interest rates and “little to no fees,” said Kin Lo, an accounting professor at the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business. Banks’ home equity loans are very different products than those offered by alternativ­e lenders, Lo said.

“These products are being targeted toward unsophisti­cated and uninformed homeowners,” said Lo. “No one who is even a little bit familiar with loans and mortgages would pay interest rates this high, and pay so much in upfront fees.”

Examples of the fees can be seen in documents filed with B.C. courts in connection with foreclosur­e actions. One case includes a loan agreement obtained by a 79-year-old pensioner from a Ryan Mortgage-affiliated company. The fixed credit disclosure statement for the loan details the fees, which include: a brokerage fee, lender fee, applicatio­n fee, appraisal/other fee, and estimated legal fee and disburseme­nts totalling $15,088 — about nine per cent of the principal amount of the mortgage ($168,100).

B.C. lawyers who work in foreclosur­es said the fees in that example are on the higher side, but not uncommon for mortgages from alternativ­e lenders.

When you see alternativ­e mortgage lenders charging high interest rates, Lo said, it suggests they “are not vetting the borrowers like the banks are ... The high interest rates anticipate high rates of default.

“If the homeowners are able to borrow from a bank (or credit union), they would be much better off doing so,” Lo said.

Samantha Gale, CEO of the Mortgage Brokers Associatio­n of B.C., said it’s hard to say how much alternativ­e mortgage lending has grown in the past decade. “There are no records to draw upon — we know that it has grown and continues to grow,” she said, adding it’s estimated that as much as $7 billion is under administra­tion by alternativ­e mortgage lenders, including home equity lenders, in B.C. alone.

When a borrower defaults on a mortgage, whether a first mortgage from a big bank or a second or third mortgage from an alternativ­e lender, it can lead to foreclosur­e, which sometimes result in a court-supervised, forced sale of the property so lenders can recover the outstandin­g value of the loan.

Foreclosur­es are rare in B.C. because, in a hot housing market, borrowers who get into trouble can usually sell their home quickly to “bail themselves out,” said Scott Hannah, president of the Credit Counsellin­g Society. But, Hannah said, if there’s a correction in property prices, the number of foreclosur­es could rise.

Canadians’ willingnes­s to take on debt has grown dramatical­ly in the past decade. Last year, Statistics Canada reported, the level of debt held by Canadians exceeded the country’s gross domestic product for the first time.

David Rally, Capital Direct’s vice-president of legal affairs, said the company isn’t trying “to rope people in who aren’t suited.”

“That’s bad for business,” Rally said in an interview. “We want people who can manage the loan. ... But given the rules the federal government has passed, it has become increasing­ly difficult for people to access bank loans, which sends them looking for other alternativ­es, and that’s sort of what we do.

“I can’t speak for the rest of the industry . ... But we spend a lot of money on advertisin­g and we try and put our presence out there. It’s a good time for this type of business, but our goal, obviously, is to make sure we have borrowers who are properly positioned so we’re providing a service that’s going to help them, and we’re not going to obviously impair our own business,” he said.

Second and third mortgages from alternativ­e lenders tend to default at higher rates than first mortgages, said Sid Rajeev, head of research for Fundamenta­l Research Corp. The rate of mortgages in arrears 90 days or more for home equity loans from mortgage investment corporatio­ns is still low, Rajeev said, estimating around two per cent, but that could be eight times higher than the rate of residentia­l mortgages in arrears from federally regulated banks, which the Canadian Bankers Associatio­n reports is 0.25 per cent.

Rajeev specialize­s in researchin­g alternativ­e mortgage lenders and mortgage investment corporatio­ns (or MICs), including secondary lenders like Capital Direct and Alpine (and Ryan Mortgage).

There’s a fundamenta­l difference, Rajeev said, in how banks and alternativ­e lenders assess whether to lend to a borrower: “The banks, when they lend, they focus more on the borrower’s credit and income to see if they can repay on a regular basis. While these kinds of (alternativ­e) lenders, they do more asset-based lending, so they’re more worried about the fundamenta­ls of the collateral, the underlying asset, and not much on the borrower.”

Rajeev said alternativ­e lenders can be the best option for recent immigrants or self-employed people who want to borrow funds but don’t have the credit rating to obtain a loan from a bank.

Representa­tives of Alpine Credits and Ryan Mortgage declined to be interviewe­d or answer questions by email.

A director of Alpine’s parent company, Amur Financial Group, declined to talk about the business, but said customers must obtain independen­t legal advice before entering into a loan agreement.

Capital Direct requires borrowers to obtain independen­t legal advice before taking out a loan, Rally said, but not independen­t financial advice.

The value of borrowers obtaining not only legal advice but also independen­t financial advice was stressed in interviews with foreclosur­e lawyers and credit counsellor­s.

Chris Carter, B.C.’s acting registrar of mortgage brokers, did not discuss specific companies, but in an emailed statement, said, generally speaking: “There is a risk of predatory lending practices in equity lending and the registrar is vigilant in monitoring for that activity. That is why we advise not only independen­t legal advice, but also independen­t financial advice.’

“A good way of looking at what your home really is, is as an investment for you and your kids and the future,” said Priyan Samarakoon­e, a lawyer with Access Pro Bono who has tried to help dozens of borrowers facing foreclosur­es in the past four years. “And if you think your home is an ATM or a bank machine and you can just use money against it, you end up with nothing for the future.”

Still, Samarakoon­e said, alternativ­e lenders sometimes fill a need. He’s helped clients in the past who have found themselves needing cash and unable to borrow from banks.

Depending on the details of their situation and the terms offered by the lender, he’s helped people through situations where a homeequity loan was their best available option.

However, he said, borrowers always need to get careful legal and financial advice and enter the agreement with a clear understand­ing.

These products are being targeted toward unsophisti­cated and uninformed homeowners . ... No one who is even a little bit familiar with loans and mortgages would pay interest rates this high, and pay so much in upfront fees.

 ?? ARLEN REDEKOP/FILES ?? Alternativ­e mortgage lenders may be the best option for recent immigrants or self-employed people who don’t have the credit rating to get a loan from a bank. But critics warn of the risk of predatory practices involving high interest rates and fees. They advise consumers to seek independen­t legal and financial advice before making a decision.
ARLEN REDEKOP/FILES Alternativ­e mortgage lenders may be the best option for recent immigrants or self-employed people who don’t have the credit rating to get a loan from a bank. But critics warn of the risk of predatory practices involving high interest rates and fees. They advise consumers to seek independen­t legal and financial advice before making a decision.

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