Edmonton Journal

How to stop fretting about fire and fury

- John ivison

How did I learn to stop worrying and, if not love the bomb, then at least become persuaded that no one — not even Donald Trump or Kim Jong Un — is insane enough to use it?

The daily headlines have been chilling but a conversati­on with David Slinn, the U.K.’s first ambassador to North Korea, offered a reassuring and sober analysis of what is going on behind all the talk of fire and fury.

“I don’t think we will get to the point of the ultimate sanction for all sorts of reasons. By unleashing a war, Seoul would be pulverized. I can’t see how that could come about.

I don’t think Kim Jong Un would want that — it would be the end for him. I can’t see the Americans doing it because of pressure from Seoul, Tokyo and the generals. It’s too awful to contemplat­e,” said Slinn, who was posted to Pyongyang between 2002 and 2006.

With all the talk of imminent Armageddon, it will surprise many people that there remain plenty of diplomatic options open to the Americans. The U.S. has not yet used tools such as so-called “secondary sanctions” that proved so successful against Iran — blocking the operation of North Korean banks using China-based front companies. Under these sanctions, Chinese banks who deal with the front companies would be blocked from access to the U.S. financial system.

Neither has the U.S. pressed China to impose an oil embargo on the North, cutting off the flow of petroleum through the so-called Friendship Pipeline.

China would not be happy if the U.S. pressures it into either action. But it has been urging a negotiated resolution and these measures would be preferable to a war on the Korean peninsula.

Slinn, who is married to a Canadian diplomat, said ratcheting up bi-lateral sanctions could put pressure on Kim by driving a wedge between him and those in the regime who have gotten rich through access to global markets.

It seems incredible that these measures haven’t been taken already, but Slinn said North Korea hasn’t been high enough on the internatio­nal agenda to justify upsetting the Chinese — until now. “The time has not been right to command the attention and energy. Now they can’t avoid North Korea,” he said.

“There is other stuff that the U.S. can do to keep Kim under pressure internally — by getting more informatio­n into North Korea and helping the North Koreans communicat­e with each other, just as the West did post-the Helsinki Accord in 1975, encouragin­g opposition in eastern bloc countries.”

But even as sanctions are ratcheted up, there are no signs that Kim is in any mood to conciliate.

“Kim has upped the pace, which is partly political, partly technologi­cal.

“In my view he wants the nuclear capability — it makes him safe and look good internally. Then he will start to use it to throw his weight around and intimidate South Korea; he’s trying to break the South Korea/ U.S. alliance and reunite the peninsula on his terms.

“It’s a tried and tested technique — ramp up the pressure to get South Korea to squeal. But it doesn’t mean it will work this time.”

Trump said this week that “talking is not the answer” with North Korea. That might have been prompted by Kim’s reluctance to open back-channels with the U.S.

Slinn said those channels do exist between the DPRK’s mission in New York and the State Department — but that they have been silent.

“If there were to be substantiv­e negotiatio­ns they would have to be prepped for months in secret — just as the talks with Iran were. But my understand­ing is that North Korea has not shown any interest,” he said.

This raises the prospects for miscalcula­tion.

On Tuesday, a North Korean diplomat suggested more missile tests are imminent, promising more “gift packages” for the U.S.

But the consequenc­es of getting it wrong are so horrific, Slinn suggests the more likely outcome is a protracted game of brinksmans­hip that results in a political settlement.

The good news is, contrary to the impression given by the demagogues on both sides, we’re not yet in Dr. Strangelov­e territory.

There are diplomatic avenues that have not yet been explored and the prospect of a nuclear weapons freeze, in exchange for economic concession­s, remains alive.

 ?? KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY / KOREA NEWS SERVICE VIA AP FILES ?? Despite North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s war talk, plenty of diplomatic options are open to the Americans.
KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY / KOREA NEWS SERVICE VIA AP FILES Despite North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s war talk, plenty of diplomatic options are open to the Americans.
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