Edmonton Journal

UCP leadership race in the home stretch


On Tuesday morning, Brian Jean held an eye-catching news conference that makes you think either he’s doing really well in the race for leadership of the United Conservati­ve Party, or he’s doing really, really badly.

Jean staged his conference in front of Premier Rachel Notley’s constituen­cy office in Edmonton with a sign declaring, “We can win here.”

He was alluding to a string of public opinion polls that indicate he is the most popular politician in Alberta — better liked than either Notley or his rival for the UCP leadership, Jason Kenney. (UCP candidate Doug Schweitzer doesn’t even rate a mention in some polls.) “We need a leader who will bring Albertans together in such overwhelmi­ng numbers that the NDP won’t stand a chance,” said Jean.

He certainly struck a bold stance, but you have to think he was overdoing it a bit by pointing to Notley’s riding as vulnerable.

Notley won 82 per cent of the vote in Edmonton-Strathcona last election.

The good news for Jean is that he probably is indeed the most popular politician among the Alberta public. He’s probably more trusted than deficit-laden Notley and, as former leader of the official Opposition Wildrose, he is probably better known than newcomer-to-the-provincial scene Kenney.

The bad news for Jean is that the public is not voting in the UCP leadership race. This is not a general election with 2.6 million voters. This is an internal party race with about 62,000 voters who will be casting a ballot online or by phone this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

UCP members are not a crosssecti­on of Albertans who pay a passing glance at provincial politics and couldn’t tell a Shaye Anderson from a Wayne Anderson.

These are highly motivated conservati­ves who have been wringing their hands in a mixture of anger, frustratio­n and outrage since the NDP won the 2015 election.

They are looking for a political champion to lead the UCP to victory in the 2019 provincial election.

And according to opinion polls, that’s Jean. That’s why he held the Tuesday news conference. But it was premature.

Jean has first to win the UCP leadership. And he won’t do that by appealing to the general public with dramatic, but gimmicky, news conference­s.

He can only do it by focusing on UCP members, specifical­ly those who have registered to vote.

That’s what Kenney is doing. He’s holding a series of rallies this week in major centres to motivate his supporters.

He’s also doing one-on-one interviews with journalist­s in advance of the rallies.

When we meet Tuesday morning (coincident­ally just as Jean is holding his news conference across town), Kenney admitted he’s “exhausted.”

He’s been going non-stop for 16 months.

But he’s also confident heading into the vote — “confident but not overconfid­ent.”

That’s the standard response from candidates at this point in a race, but Kenney’s confidence extends a little further if you give him a nudge.

“I’m not making prediction­s. It’s a small field (of candidates), so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a first ballot victory one way or another.”

Kenney is not predicting his own coronation (that would be “overconfid­ent”), but he seems so confident, you get the impression he’s planning the after-party for Saturday night.

He is already talking about running for a seat in a byelection after this weekend, “if and when a seat becomes available.”

And there’s more. He’s already looking at life as UCP leader where he’ll start to change his campaign focus, from one targeting conservati­ve supporters to one targeting average Albertans: “I would be very conscious of the need for us to pivot away from internal party politics to address the broader population. We need to ensure this is a mainstream party that reflects the values of most Albertans.”

Of course, we have yet to see what the UCP actually stands for. The party won’t hold a founding convention until early next year.

But crucial to the party’s future is who will become leader this weekend — a choice that will be made by party members, not the general public.

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 ?? RYAN MCLEOD ?? Jason Kenney greets supporters in Calgary in March.
RYAN MCLEOD Jason Kenney greets supporters in Calgary in March.

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