Edmonton Journal


Interest rates aren’t the biggest factor in returns, writes Tom Bradley.

- Tom Bradley is president of Steadyhand Investment Funds, a company that offers individual investors low-fee investment funds and clear-cut advice. He can be reached at tbradley@steadyhand.com.

Last week, Peter Hodson highlighte­d five things that Canadian investors should ignore. I’m going to build on his list, as well as point out some factors that don’t get enough attention.


The U.S. Federal Reserve and their central bank brethren have an important role to play in providing a stable business environmen­t and just the right amount of inflation. Unfortunat­ely, they’ve put us in a perilous position with near-zero interest rates and excessive asset purchases. We have crisis-level monetary policy in an economy that is anything but crisis-like. As a result, we’re left with little cushion for when the next recession comes along.

But breathless­ly watching central bankers for their next move does little to enhance your returns. That’s because while Fed Chair Janet Yellen and the others try to micromanag­e the economy, the real world has moved on. We’ve entered a period of profound technologi­cal disruption in most industries. Assessing how it’s all going to impact longterm cash flows and dividends is far more important than the next mini-rate hike.

Two areas that are on my radar are energy and transporta­tion. The world is increasing­ly demanding cleaner, more sustainabl­e energy.

Meanwhile, solar and wind, in combinatio­n with improved battery technology, have become competitiv­e with fossil fuels in many parts of the world. We’ll continue to have boom and bust cycles in oil and gas, but if overall demand starts to decline, producers and service companies will find themselves swimming upstream.

It’s hard to believe, but electric, driverless cars and trucks are just around the corner, literally. The impact of this breakthrou­gh will ripple through all aspects of our daily lives. I don’t have room to mention all the implicatio­ns, but think air quality, safety, gas stations, parking lots, auto shops, roads, truckers, autoworker­s and of course, oil demand. Investors are prone to letting politician­s and central bankers dominate the agenda, but they need to instead think about the change that’s happening irrespecti­ve of what’s going on in Washington and Brussels.


Which is better, active management or indexing? Both sides of this debate are deeply entrenched. The reality is, however, neither side has a monopoly on good or bad, cheap or expensive, simple or complicate­d. And both approaches play second fiddle to a lever that has a much bigger impact on investment returns. I’m speaking of portfolio constructi­on, or asset mix.

How you execute your strategy (i.e. with mutual funds, ETFs or individual securities) is secondary to your asset mix. It only comes after you’ve answered the big questions. Are you diversifie­d across a range of asset types, industries and geographie­s? Does your mix fit with your age and stage in life? And is there a deliberate strategy to keep your portfolio aligned with your goals and time frame, or is the market managing it (i.e. as stocks go up, so does your exposure, and vice versa)?

I often find myself getting worked up about active versus indexing, but I never confuse the passion with importance. Asset mix first, security selection second.


Like everyone, I like a healthy dividend, and better yet, a growing one. But too many investors use dividend yield to value stocks. A four per cent yield is better than three per cent. I raise this ticklish issue (investors are passionate about their dividends) because the yield on a stock, unlike a bond, doesn’t indicate how much the company is worth. Rather, the value is based on the outlook for future profits and cash flows. In other words, is the company likely to survive, thrive or perish. The decision whether to invest in a company must be driven by these factors, with dividends playing a secondary role.

There’s a lot of noise in the investment world and navigating through it is an important skill set to have.

After all, investing is about getting the big decisions right, while not getting lost in the little stuff. In today’s context, this means focusing on what’s happening on the ground around you, not in the ivory towers. It means collecting dividends from companies that are worth more than they’re trading for. And most importantl­y, it means paying attention to your asset mix.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Outgoing Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently told U.S. lawmakers about the need for gradual interest rate increases in the future. For investors, understand­ing and responding to technical transforma­tion is more important than interest rates,...
GETTY IMAGES Outgoing Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently told U.S. lawmakers about the need for gradual interest rate increases in the future. For investors, understand­ing and responding to technical transforma­tion is more important than interest rates,...

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