Edmonton Journal

Trump keeps low profile on King day

- Darlene Superville

WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. • President Donald Trump marked his first Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday Monday largely out of public view, buffeted by accusation­s that he used a racially tinged word to describe African countries and scoffed at the suggestion of admitting more Haitians to the U.S.

Trump decamped to his Florida estate for the long weekend, spending hours each day at his Trump Internatio­nal Golf Club in West Palm Beach.

On Friday, before he departed the White House, Trump encouraged the public “to observe this day with acts of civic work and community service in honour of Dr. King’s extraordin­ary life ... and his great legacy” as he signed a proclamati­on recognizin­g Monday as the national holiday honouring the slain civil rights leader on what would have been his 89th birthday.

Trump dedicated his weekly address to the nation, released Monday, to King.

“Dr. King’s dream is our dream, it is the American dream, it’s the promise stitched into the fabric of our nation, etched into the hearts of our people and written into the soul of humankind,” Trump said in the address.

“It is the dream of a world where people are judged by who they are, not how they look or where they come from,” the president said.

Trump’s tribute followed the firestorm that ensued last week after he was accused of using the word “shithole” to describe African countries and seeming to balk at admitting more Haitians to the U.S. He voiced a desire for more immigrants from countries like Norway. Trump is said to have made the comments in the Oval Office during a meeting about immigratio­n with a bipartisan group of senators.

The White House has not denied that Trump used the vulgarity, but Trump and some Republican­s have disputed public accounts of the meeting.

Trump defended himself Sunday night, declaring that “I’m not a racist.” He said comments attributed to him “weren’t made.”

The president’s defence appeared to not sway the sizable crowd of Haitians — waving their country’s flag — who gathered near the foot of a bridge leading to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach to jeer at Trump as the motorcade returned from the golf club.

The Haitians and their supporters shouted, “Our country is not a shithole,” according to video posted by WPEC-TV, and engaged in a shouting match with the pro-Trump demonstrat­ors who typically gather on the other side of the street.

In Washington, King’s eldest son, Martin Luther King III, criticized Trump, saying, “When a president insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don’t even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is.”

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