Edmonton Journal

After a child’s cancer diagnosis, recovery and hope


There are few things higher on a parent’s list of unspeakabl­e fears than a child’s cancer diagnosis. It’s a possibilit­y so devastatin­g to even think about that you just don’t — and then, for some, it happens.

When facing down a child’s fight with cancer, especially a rare, hard to treat form, it can be hard to believe that there might be cause for optimism. But today, thanks to advances in healthcare that were fiction just years ago, out of these worst fears can come hope — and recovery.

Those in need of such hope should look to Jake Wagman, who at 16 is finally able to think about his future and plans on becoming a lawyer someday. It’s a future that was a lot less certain six years ago, when he was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma — a rare bone cancer that primarily affects children, usually during puberty when their bones are developing rapidly

Jake’s journey began in 2011, when he suddenly started seeing double. He’d never had any health issues before, says his mother, Dr. Marni Brooks, so naturally they were worried. After an initial examinatio­n by a pediatrici­an, Jake was sent to the emergency department at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto for further tests. Doctors discovered that a tumour on his nasal bone was pressing on a nerve, causing his vision problems. For Brooks, that unspeakabl­e fear had become a reality.

“Nobody knew which kind of cancer it was at first,” she says, noting that doctors decided to move ahead with treatment immediatel­y, rather than waiting for biopsy results and a confirmed diagnosis.

There is nothing that can prepare you for a cancer diagnosis, and it is especially devastatin­g for parents faced with the very real possibilit­y that they may outlive their child. Looking back, Brooks remains bravely stoic about her family’s ordeal.

“After the initial shock of dealing with something we had never thought possible, we set about coping,” Brooks says. “Getting emotional wasn’t an option. When you’re a mother, you don’t have the luxury of breaking down.”

As a rare disease, treatment options for Ewing sarcoma are limited, although researcher­s at the Hospital for Sick Children are hoping to change that. A current study is employing new technology to explore the connection­s between the genetics of the disease and patient survival. The hope is that the findings will advance prevention and early detection and lead to the discovery of new treatments that will improve patients’ chances of survival.

It is just one of the many paths of inquiry that researcher­s are following to treat, and ultimately cure, Ewing sarcoma and diseases like it. “There are a number of research projects in the works and there is now greater awareness of Ewing’s,” says Tina Pernica, founder and president of the Ewings Cancer Foundation of Canada, who lost her 19-yearold son, Reid, to the disease in 2007. “There has definitely been a higher survival rate in the last seven years and generally earlier diagnosis. The problem is that each Ewing’s patient is different, so the protocol has to be different.”

Another issue, she says, is that treatment options are even more limited should a patient suffer a recurrence of the disease. “But clinical trials are underway and there have been some significan­t findings through research projects that the Foundation has funded,” she adds, pointing to an area of research tracking a protein believed to be one of the contributi­ng factors in the developmen­t of the cancer. “Ewing’s is finally under the microscope in Canada.”

Jake was fortunate that his tumour was caught early, and that he began chemothera­py without delay. “The chemo helped to shrink the tumour right away,” says Brooks. “Within a week, his vision was back to normal.”

Jake’s early progress was a positive sign, but it was only the beginning. Surgery wasn’t an option for him because of the location of the tumour and, for the next eight months, Brooks watched as her nine-year-old son bravely went through 14 cycles of chemothera­py and 33 radiation treatments.

Jake lost all his hair and missed six months of school but, like his mother, is matterof-fact when he recalls the experience. “It didn’t bother me as much as you would think,” he says. “Missing school set me back a little, but I was lucky it happened then. It would have been a much bigger problem if it had happened later, when I was in high school.”

Jake, now in Grade 11, was declared cancer-free three years ago. He’s involved in a number of sports, plays the drums and is doing well in school. “Even right after my treatment, I went back to doing things that anyone else would do,” Jake says. “I have a little trouble running because it affected my lungs and my breathing, but other than that, I wouldn’t say my abilities are affected.”

Jake still goes for regular checkups because, even though his treatment was successful, there’s a risk the cancer could recur. As Pernica points out, options are limited for Ewing sarcoma patients whose cancer recurs. Research must continue to allow for access to clinical trials and innovative medicines.

Brooks and her family are helping raise money for that research. They started a fund at Sick Kids Hospital called Jake’s Collection that began with lemonade stands and expanded to an annual live music event. “Mars Hotel is a Grateful Dead cover band that plays to raise money for the fund,” Brooks says. “We draw about 700 people each year and together we’ve raised over $100,000.” Their next event is at The Opera House in Toronto on February 24.

“All things considered, we were very fortunate,” Brooks says. She adds that the worst part of her son’s cancer diagnosis was — and still is — the worry. “You worry the entire time you’re waiting for test results — and we’ll be dealing with ongoing tests forever,” she says. “But we can’t stay in anxiety mode for the rest of our lives, so we focus on the present. We live in the present more than we ever have.

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Jake’s journey began in 2011, when he suddenly started seeing double. He’d never had any health issues before, says his mother, Dr. Marni Brooks, so naturally they were worried.
SUPPLIED Jake’s journey began in 2011, when he suddenly started seeing double. He’d never had any health issues before, says his mother, Dr. Marni Brooks, so naturally they were worried.

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