Edmonton Journal




1 Regattaent­rant 6 Tijuana Ms. 10 Sturdy lock

14 Let happen

15 Hard benches 16 Net surfer

17 Quiet type? 18 Long-legged wader 19 Quaker colonist 20 Trick to evade 22 Canape topper 23 End of a lion’s tail 24 Vive le —! 26 Comply (2 wds.) 30 Braced oneself 34 Place for croutons 35 Not e’en once 36 Ms.Thurman 37 Mother of Horus 38 Applied a crowbar 40 John, in Ireland 41 Width of a cir. 42 Whammy 43 Tempus —

44 Wins over 46 Slalom necessity (2 wds.) 48 Baseball stat. 49 Vote

50 Lurch 53 “Whew!”evokers (2 wds.) 59 Dashiell’s peer 60 “— Krishna ...” 61 Salamander­s 62 Polygraphf­lunker 63 Says please 64 Researchfu­nds 65 Longings 66 Straphange­r’s lack 67 Epics


1 Root crop

2 Noted diamond surname 3 Primitive weapon 4 Cat, to a flea 5 Chirped

6 Dressed to the nines

7 Confute

8 Branch 9 Saidpositi­vely 10 BMWdriver,maybe 11 Not in harbor 12 Mardi Gras follower 13 Coastal flyer 21 Massage

25 Above, to a bard 26 Stage whisper 27 Water holder 28 Homer opus

29 “— Kapital” 30 Watch 31 “Hasta—,amigo!” 32 Spam, maybe 33 Beat rice’ s admirer 35 Slangy refusal 38 Toothy fish

39 ER staffers

40 Have a late meal 42 Bump hard

43 Iron shavings 45 Moray catchers 46 Tenderest

47 Eur. airline

49 It might be down 50 Count on 51 Buffalo’s lake 52 Joie de vivre 54 Lighten up 55 Vaccines

56 Pirate’s booty 57 Vulcan’s forge 58 Former JFK arrivals

 ??  ??

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