Edmonton Journal

Residents left with more questions over Domtar site contaminat­ion

- CATHERINE GRIWKOWSKY cgriwkowsk­y@postmedia.com Twitter.com/ CGriwkowsk­y

Residents adjacent to a contaminat­ed site that once housed the Domtar Edmonton Wood Preserving Plant in northeast Edmonton had some questions answered, but were left with more Sunday at an open house in the Clareview Community Recreation Centre.

As Daniel Spasic flipped through 6,000 pages of documents in binders at the open house, he was concerned, but not fearful and wants answers.

“There’s just charts and numbers and percentage­s and it’s nice that this book is here,” he said. “I’m sure a lot of these things are very normal things to find in the ground, but I don’t know what’s normal or not.”

Spasic, who moved into his home in the area in April, said he was told Alberta Environmen­t in the past tested for some chemicals, but not others, which prompted further testing.

He said he understand­s both sides — developers feel their name is being sullied, while Alberta Environmen­t is just doing its job.

“I don’t care about the value of my home. It’s a big chunk of my life and it’s the investment of a lifetime, but I can lose all the money in the world and still live the next day,” Spasic said. “It’s my health.”

Currently, there is a pile of dirt dug up from Spasic’s foundation used in grading and landscapin­g on his house. He wants to know if there is reason for concern.

“I don’t eat dirt, but I’m pretty sure when I’m out there pulling weeds I’ve got some in my eyes,” he said. “I’m not freaking out, but you just have to wait for spring time.”

Developers had been doing remediatio­n in the area. A spokesman for the company told Postmedia remediatio­n was completed. The government said some of the numbers were disputed and further testing is needed.

Members of area neighbourh­oods received letters on Friday

stating soil near the former Domtar site had higher levels of harmful chemicals than found through the previous testing.

The site is being fenced off by order of Alberta Health Services. Additional testing is being done both on the undevelope­d site and in residentia­l areas. Neil Brad of Alberta Environmen­t and Parks expects results within six months.

Coun. Aaron Paquette said he has heard a range of reaction from residents from clinical curiosity to fear and anger.

“Most of this is precaution­ary,” he said. “It’s staying on the very far side of safe, maybe even to the extreme end of safe.”

He said the community will get answers through Alberta Environmen­t’s testing in the area.

“At present, no one is in any immediate danger,” Paquette said.

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