Edmonton Journal

Kenney’s new ‘I’m-the-leader’ guarantee


It would seem United Conservati­ve Party Leader Jason Kenney needs a new digital team.

The guys he has now have put him in a terribly awkward spot.

They’re the ones, according to Kenney, who pulled the plug on his personal web page shortly before the UCP founding convention 10 days ago.

In politics, timing is everything. And the plug-pulling couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Kenney’s web page talked about how he would listen to party members when it came to drafting party policy.

He called it a grassroots guarantee: “The policies of the United Conservati­ve Party must be developed democratic­ally by its grassroots members, not imposed by its leader.”

Kenney was, by golly, so serious about the “guarantee” he had it printed on a big piece of cardboard.

To emphasize his point, his web page was even addressed www.grassroots­guarantee.ca.

Nobody seemed to notice when the page went dark May 2, just two days before the opening of the UCP’s founding convention. But then came the policy debates May 6 when party delegates passed some contentiou­s resolution­s, including one that essentiall­y called for students to be “outed” to their parents for joining a gay-straight alliance (GSA).

Kenney suggested he would ignore that resolution.

“Guess what? I’m the leader,” he told journalist­s. “I get to interpret the resolution and its relevance to party policy.”

But what about the grassroots guarantee?

When journalist­s went online to confirm exactly what the guarantee said, they discovered the page was gone.

Kenney said it was an “IT issue” with his digital guys.

“That was part of my leadership campaign website which we stopped updating on Oct. 29 of last year and it was taken down because we changed vendors,” explained Kenney.

Yes, but it wasn’t taken down until six months after the UCP leadership vote, on the eve of the UCP’s founding convention.

Up until that point, UCP members heading to the convention could happily go online and be given the impression that whatever policies they passed on the weekend would become party policy.

“You know, one of the reasons we had this division in the Alberta conservati­ve movement in recent years was because of an arrogant style of top-down leadership where leaders were telling people what to think rather than listening to them,” said Kenney in an online video explaining the guarantee. “I think that our new United Conservati­ve Party should ensure that you, the grassroots members, are in charge, that you develop the policies of this new party and give the leadership its marching orders.”

Then came May 6 when a majority of grassroots members created a headache for Kenney by voting to stop protecting the privacy of students who join GSAs.

Goodbye “grassroots guarantee,” hello “I’m-the-leader” guarantee.

On Monday, Kenney insisted he has not gone back on his word. “I never said or suggested that the resolution­s would constitute the platform, but would be important general direction for it.”

I’m raising this now because it has been a week since Kenney said the “grassroots guarantee” would be back online again as part of his brand new personal site.

As I write this column, I am still eagerly awaiting its unveiling.

But the issue here isn’t the site or even the suspicious timing of the “grassroots guarantee” disappeari­ng from the web.

It’s the fact that Kenney made the silly guarantee in the first place.

It was a gimmick, a political sleight of hand where Kenney presented a political illusion for the benefit of UCP members gullible enough to believe they would have the final say.

They don’t. Party members never have the final say in a party’s platform.

At least they don’t if the party wants to have any chance of appealing to an audience outside the limited echo chamber of a party convention.

But the convention did serve its purpose for Kenney. For the most part, members passed meat-and-potato resolution­s calling for less government, balanced budgets, debt reduction and an end to the carbon tax.

Kenney can work with those to build an election platform. The rest he will ignore.

At the end of the day, the “grassroots guarantee” wasn’t worth the cardboard it was written on.

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