Edmonton Journal

Diving into the icky world of garbage food

- Jake edmiston

Thousands of academics are gathered in Regina for the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. They are presenting papers on everything from the new cultural dynamic of apologism to why Jezebel in the Hebrew Bible talks like a man. In its Oh, The Humanities! series, the National Post showcases some of the most interestin­g research.

The trouble with dumpster diving is the boxes. Grocers will throw them right in there with the produce, turning the whole thing into a frustratin­g layer cake of soiled cardboard and vegetables, fruit and herbs, maybe a bit of cheese or some cartons of nearly expired milk. You can’t know what’s beneath each crumpled box without peeling it back, churning it up, mashing stuff on to yourself.

“Your hands get kind of gross,” says Chelsea Power, a co-author of a forthcomin­g guide to cooking with garbage. “There’s a box, then there’s produce, then there’s another box and there’s produce, and box and produce.” There’s the leftovers from the grocery store’s salad bar to contend with too.

“There’s dressing and cooked mushrooms and that’s gross,” said Power, a first-year master’s student at the University of Victoria. “Or if you see a rat, that’s kind of gross.”

But if you’re disgusted by it, you’re missing the point.

Power, along with two peers from the University of Victoria, are drafting the Really Garbage Cookbook to spill a secret shared by an growing group of urban garbage foragers: Inside most dumpsters

behind your neighbourh­ood grocer or baker, there is a store of good-to-fair food available to be pilfered for free. And in most cases, it’s legal (thanks to a 2009 Supreme Court decision that found your garbage isn’t private).

“There are absolutely things that look good enough to buy in the store,” Power said. “Often I’m confused why they’re in the garbage.”

Power, and her co-authors Emily Kirbyson and Rebecca Rogerson, will present their project to the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Work on the book, unrelated to their coursework, is still underway, but the authors say it’s a mix of recipes, guides, poetry and personal reflection­s, including one about being vegan while eating “dairy-rich dumpster delicacies.”

It gives tips on choosing a dumpster (don’t waste your time on big box supermarke­ts), when to go (weekdays are more plentiful than weekends), preparing what you find (wash with unscented antibacter­ial soap) and etiquette (leave some for the next diver). In fact, there are so many dumpster divers in Victoria, B.C., that Powers said it’s not uncommon to climb out of a bin to find someone else waiting their turn.

While the cookbook’s inclusion at the Congress might give the impression of an academic stunt to make a point on systemic food waste, its more an instructio­n manual written by three students who actually dumpster-dive out of necessity. Visiting Regina this week for the Congress, Power said she plans to go through dumpsters during her stay because “I don’t have any money.”

She started doing it during her undergradu­ate years, tipped by a friend who was part of a dumpster diving club. It felt sneaky at first, then exhilarati­ng.

“You go out at night, you have your headlamps and your little grocery bags,” she said. But when she looked under the lid, she couldn’t help feeling sad.

“You’re looking into these dumpsters and they’re absolutely full of food,” Power said.

“You get over it quickly because it kind of feels beautiful,” she said. “You’re not just doing something good for yourself, but you are doing something good for the world because less food is going to waste.”

Some grocers, when they stumble on people in their dumpsters out back, can be cruel. Others happily bring out more scraps. For Power, it’s not about shame or pride. It’s fine food, undeservin­g of a landfill and yet it’s headed there unless someone grabs it first.

“Some people just don’t understand because it sounds gross,” Power said. “When I first told my father I was going dumpster diving, you know, he was ashamed of me.… He said, ‘I can lend you some money.’

And I said: “’I enjoy this. This is something I want to do. I think it’s good.’”

 ?? CHAD HIPOLITO / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? University of Victoria students Emily Kirbyson, left, and Rebecca Rogerson “dumpster dive” behind a grocery store.
CHAD HIPOLITO / POSTMEDIA NEWS University of Victoria students Emily Kirbyson, left, and Rebecca Rogerson “dumpster dive” behind a grocery store.

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