Edmonton Journal


- DAVID STAPLES dstaples@postmedia.com

City council took a small and arguably reasonable step by putting in greater limits on smoking cannabis in public on Tuesday.

But council also made a radical, aggressive and needless change by enacting a massive new ban on outdoor cigarette smoking.

The new rules, which will come into effect when cannabis is legalized in October, mean that both cannabis and tobacco smoking (and vaping) will be banned in 600 city parks, including off-leash areas and almost all major parks, as well as all but eliminated in major commercial areas like Whyte Avenue, Jasper Avenue and the Ice District.

The fear of wild and goofy folks smoking an intoxicati­ng substance like cannabis around children on Whyte Avenue and in popular city parks is not something to treat lightly. That’s essentiall­y why a 7-6 majority on council felt it was better to be safe than sorry and proceed with great caution on outdoor cannabis smoking.

As Coun. Tim Cartmell argued, folks who still want to smoke cannabis will find places to go. Essentiall­y, no great harm is done by being so restrictiv­e at first. “People that want to consume what will be a legal substance will find a way ...,” Cartmell said. “I don’t know we really hurt ourselves by being somewhat conservati­ve as we ease into this new environmen­t.” Fair enough.

A conservati­ve approach to the new world of legal cannabis has some merit.

But Cartmell and the majority on council overlook just how radical it is to tell folks walking their dog in an off-leash park that they can no longer smoke a cigarette without risking a $250 bylaw fine.

Addicted cigarette smokers will no longer be able to take their children to the park, then skulk off to the edge to have a puff as their kid plays on the swings. An unintended consequenc­e of the new smoking ban might be parents staying home with their kids, spending less outdoor time for all.

Whatever happened to the value of “live and let live.”

As Coun. Tony Caterina noted, nicotine is an addictive drug that is difficult to kick, but the city is nonetheles­s cracking down. “With these amendments it seems like we really want to take it to these people who consume cannabis or tobacco, to make it really onerous on them.”

Personally, I hate cigarette smoking. I find it to be a smelly, unhealthy habit. So I don’t smoke myself. But why would my own personal preference­s matter when it comes to the choices of others? They should be free to do what they want so long as they don’t harm others.

It was right to ban cigarette smoking in bars and restaurant­s where we all share the air, but it’s a massive stretch to suggest that outdoor smoking harms anyone else. Sure, the rest of us get an unpleasant whiff of smoke now and then, but when I walk through Edmonton I’m hit far more often by stinky gas from the city’s sewers than I am by cigarette smoke. Council should focus on sewer gas, which is their responsibi­lity, and leave the poor smokers alone.

Why be such busy bodies as to bring in a new ban? Council would have been wise to leave the smoking rule as it was and to have also been somewhat more accommodat­ing to cannabis smokers as well, in particular because the provincial government has been so slow to establish rules for legalized indoor cannabis consumptio­n lounges.

Cannabis smoking will soon be legal, but if many folks can’t smoke in bars, or in their rental units or condos, or in most parks or on many streets, where can they smoke?

“There’s huge chunks of our city where you’re going to force people to break the law and I don’t think that should be our intention,” Coun. Ben Henderson said.

I’ll leave the last word here to Henderson, who spoke most eloquently for smokers. “There are parts of the city where the only park space for miles will have a playground in it so there’s a lot of buildings with renters in them that are non-smoking buildings, or may become non-smoking buildings.

“If we make it impossible for people to obey the law then we’re forcing them to break it. The whole point of this was not to do that. And I think it really is important that we regulate the effect people have on others, but if someone chooses to do harm to themselves by smoking or partaking in cannabis, that should be their call as long as they’re not negatively affecting others.”

 ?? DAVID BLOOM ?? City council voted 7-6 on Tuesday to prohibit smoking cigarettes and vaping in 600 city parks, including off-leash areas, and in major commercial areas — a move David Staples says goes too far.
DAVID BLOOM City council voted 7-6 on Tuesday to prohibit smoking cigarettes and vaping in 600 city parks, including off-leash areas, and in major commercial areas — a move David Staples says goes too far.
 ??  ??

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