Edmonton Journal

Who can define ‘normal’?

Cameron Post a tender portrayal of gay teenagers


Adapted from the young adult novel of the same name, The Miseducati­on of Cameron Post is centred on a group of teenagers at a gay conversion therapy “school” in the 1990s.

Our guide Cameron (Chloë Grace Moretz) is the latest arrival, delivered by her aunt after being caught in the back of a car with the prom queen.

The environmen­t is suitably restrictiv­e. Cameron’s belongings are searched for contraband rock music immediatel­y after she’s settled in her new room.

“I’m guessing The Breeders aren’t singing in praise of the Lord,” chides Rev. Rick (John Gallagher Jr.) as he pulls a cassette out of her bag.

Cameron is expected to stay with the program until she’s “over” her same-sex attraction and “gender confusion.”

She adapts by keeping quiet and aloof. In fact, much of Moretz’s performanc­e — one of her strongest to date — exists in her gaze.

Unlike some of her classmates, who are eager to be “cured,” Cameron seems resolute in her identity.

But while the stark contrast between sex as liberating and sex as shameful is a strong through-line in the film, it also mines the subtler erosion of the students’ instincts and desires.

As so-called educators demand confession­al intimacy from their wards, only to twist it against them, Cameron herself becomes increasing­ly unsettled.

Can Jesus and straightne­ss save her feelings of self-doubt and loneliness, or are her feelings a normal part of growing up?

The Miseducati­on of Cameron Post, which won the grand jury prize at Sundance, is ultimately a sympatheti­c and tender portrayal of adolescent­s struggling to be “normal” at the expense of their mental health.

One of the film’s greatest assets, however, is that it avoids easy villains. Good intentions (or damaged psyches) humanize the characters who run the school without absolving them of their responsibi­lity in inflicting psychologi­cal wounds on their vulnerable wards.

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