Edmonton Journal

Revolving-door leadership plagues Australian politics


SYDNEY• On Friday at 1:02 p.m ., Australian­s were forced to endure a depressing­ly familiar sight: an MP emerged from a secret party meeting in Canberra to announce that the nation had a new prime minister.

Despite being the preferred Liberal leader of fewer than 10 per cent of Australian­s, Scott Morrison, a 50-year-old staunch conservati­ve and evangelica­l Christian, had won a party-room ballot to replace Malcolm Turnbull, a 63-year-old former investment banker and selfmade millionair­e.

A survey in April found that almost half of Australian­s had never heard of Morrison, who has just become the sixth prime minister in eight years.

“Who’s next?” asked the front page of the Northern Territory News.

“It’s a bloody joke,” said a pedestrian interviewe­d by SBS News.

The ousting of Turnbull, a former Rhodes scholar who led the push for a republic in the ’90s, marks a worrying trend in Australia that now seems difficult to stop.

Each of Australia’s last four leaders has been toppled by their parties. Labor’s Kevin Rudd was ousted in 2010 by Julia Gillard, who was ousted in 2013 by Rudd, and the Liberal leader Tony Abbott was toppled in 2015 by Turnbull, who was ousted at lunchtime on Friday in favour of Morrison. No Australian leader has served a full term since John Howard after the 2004 election.

“Australia has cemented its reputation as the coup capital of the world,” said commentato­r Troy Bramston in The Australian. “The voters look on with horror as the deception, treachery and killings become routine. They know how the pantomime works.”

This revolving-door leadership has made the nation a laughing stock and the chaos this week prompted fresh questions about the causes of this bizarre Australian phenomenon.

In recent decades, the nation’s MPs have increasing­ly entered politics after careers as political aides or lobbyists. With little experience outside politics, they are motivated by short-term ambitions and are liable to be spooked by a poor run of opinion polls, now conducted with ever greater frequency.

In Australia, which follows the Westminste­r system, the party’s MPs have traditiona­lly elected their own leader.

But this makes it easy for a small number of disgruntle­d MPs to demand a leadership ballot and produce instant instabilit­y. Australia’s Labor party now allows rank-andfile members a say in electing leaders — and this week’s events have prompted calls for the Liberal party to do the same.

Jonathon Duniam, a Liberal MP, said yesterday: “Only two (MPs) can bring about a leadership spill, and as we’ve seen last week, once the action is put in motion, it can rarely be stopped.”

But the deeper problem appears to be that Australia’s coups have proven self-perpetuati­ng: they produce unelected prime ministers, who lack a mandate from the public and lead a party that will inevitably be riven by recriminat­ion and internal feuds.

Turnbull was ousted this week following a rebellion led by a group of right-wing MPs who have long regarded him as too progressiv­e. The most vocal of his critics was Abbott, a monarchist and long-term foe of Turnbull who has spent the past three years seeking to avenge his own ugly removal.

The rebels were supported by a group of right-wing pundits and so-called “shock jocks” — deliberate­ly provocativ­e radio hosts. Many of his fiercest critics were on Sky News, a cable television channel owned by Rupert Murdoch, which broadcasts news during the day but hands over to mostly right-wing pundits in the evening.

Amid mounting pressure, Turnbull resigned Friday after the party voted 45-40 to hold a leadership ballot. He used his parting press conference to attack the “vengeance” and “deliberate destructiv­e action” of his Liberal party enemies and their backers in the media.

In the party’s leadership ballot, Morrison defeated Peter Dutton, a former minister who led the rebellion.

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