Edmonton Journal

Canadians, we’ve been played the fool

It’s time for us to stand up to opponents of the oil and gas industry, says Mark Scholz.


If you say it enough, people will think it’s true. President Donald Trump does it, and it works for him. Tzeporah Berman does it, and it works for her. The group that put together the Tar Sands Campaign to attack the Canadian oil and gas industry did it, and it is working remarkably well for them too.

The Canadian oil and gas sector has been under attack for years by a highly organized, well-funded, and extremely effective group of activists. How successful has this group been? Since the Tar Sands Campaign document was released in 2008, it has succeeded in focusing the heat on Canada’s oil and gas industry with the precision of a sunbeam through a magnifying glass. The results are alarming.

Ten years in, after a glorious campaign of Houdini-like misdirecti­on, Canada’s five per cent of global oil production — the cleanest, most ethically produced five million barrels out of a 100 million BPD global demand — is such a proxy for the global climate crisis that all Canadians will be taxed for it, and our provincial and federal government­s are locked in a battle over its future.

It’s hard to imagine even the organizers of this communicat­ions masterpiec­e envisioned just how successful they would be. Two pipelines cancelled? Great! Another pipeline locked in never-ending consultati­ons and protests? Excellent! An operative behind enemy lines calling the shots for the Oilsands Advisory Committee? Wow! The prime minister talking about phasing out the oilsands? Perfect! A rift between provincial and federal units of the strongest environmen­tally focused political party in the country? Wait a minute … what?! From an execution standard, this strategic implementa­tion was flawless.

Premier Rachel Notley’s recent challenges against the federal government over Bill C-69 are just the latest battles in what has become a multi-front constituti­onal crisis. Premier Notley is likely starting to realize what Canadian oil and gas supporters have known for years: the more we do to appease highly organized and paid opponents, the more we are asked to do. As our government­s scramble to comply with their demands, the remaining 95 per cent of the hydrocarbo­n producing world moves along unconteste­d, expanding their market share.

Bill C-69, Bill C-48, the carbon tax, the cancellati­on of two major pipelines, and the endless delays on the Trans Mountain Expansion project would lead one to believe government­s want to shut down our oil and gas industry. The truth, however, is that well-funded activists have worked hard in selling us the story that Canadian oil and gas is bad, and as we can see from the aforementi­oned legislatio­n, our political leaders are drinking the toxic Kool-Aid.

The question is, when will more of Canada’s leaders look past the well-executed parlour tricks, and help stop our country from being played the fool? One need only read a few lines from the Tar Sands Campaign to see how the trick is done: “Celebrity spokespers­ons, like Leonardo DiCaprio, are being recruited to lend their ‘brand’ to opponents of tar sands. Feature stories in high visibility media will also be critical for telling the negative story. Generating a high negative media profile for tar sands oil is a critical part of the change strategy,” says activist Michael J. Marx of Corporate Ethics Internatio­nal.

It’s time for Canadians to stop being played as fools. We have the cleanest, most responsibl­e energy industry in the world, and getting it to global markets means we can reduce emissions in ways meaningful ways while creating good jobs and bringing in tax and resource revenues.

The strategy of our opponents is unfolding before us. If we don’t start standing up for Canada’s oil and gas industry soon, the activists, as they have so clearly defined, will have won — “We will win this campaign when we recruit a critical mass of these decision-makers to agree to slow down, cutback, and eventually stop the flow of tar sands oil altogether,” says Marx — and hardworkin­g Canadians will have lost a great deal.

Well-funded activists have worked hard in selling us the story that Canadian oil and gas is bad.

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