Edmonton Journal


As dedicated RCMP units tackle rural crime, farmers remain wary


Standing in a nearly empty Quonset on a northern Alberta farm, Lawrence Ference jabs his finger into the air pointing to spots where his belongings used to be.

It’s just past 9:30 p.m. in mid-October and sleet is pooling in truck tire ruts carved in the mud outside.

Inside, under harsh fluorescen­t lights, the bison farmer’s giant black dog Dexx weaves in and out of his legs looking for pats or food, or both.

Minutes earlier, RCMP Sgt. James Morton watched a set of headlights disappear down a dirt road leading to the storage facility that sits deep in farm country about 40 kilometres east of St. Paul.

Morton, who heads up one of the four rural crime reduction teams in Alberta, worried something was off. So he pulled his unmarked RCMP truck around and headed into the night to investigat­e.

He found Ference packing up for the day and readying to head home, but he convinced the farmer to stick around and chat about a break-in a month earlier.

Ference’s old Ford diesel truck had been in the shed hooked up to a battery charger. They stole the battery charger, he says.

They also nabbed an impact wrench, a small generator, meat saw, some hunting knives and four brand new quad tires. All told, about $4,000 worth of gear.

“I knew god damn well those tires were going to be gone,” he said, kicking at the air.

“I never used to be on edge about what’s been stolen or what’s broken into, but over the last three or four years, every time I come to the farm I’m thinking, what am I going to find?

“You’re never at ease anymore — never at ease — and it seems like it doesn’t matter what it is, they ’ll steal whatever is not nailed down.”

They even stole the door off a nearby pump shed.

“I mean, who steals a door?” Ference asked.

It’s a story Morton has heard before. It’s part of the reason he is out there in the darkness.

Visible policing is part of his eastern Alberta rural crime team’s mandate; meeting and chatting with locals is key to what he and his team of eight officers are trying to achieve.


The job of designing a crime reduction plan for a vast swath of eastern Alberta fell to Morton early this year.

The provincial and federal government­s were about to make $10 million available to the RCMP and Alberta Crown Prosecutio­n Service to launch a new strategy to tackle crime across rural Alberta. The eastern district includes 27 detachment­s and stretches 1,000 kilometres north to south and 430 kilometres east to west.

The veteran officer looked around Canada for answers, but he also eyed a violence reduction program in Scotland in the wake of escalating knife crimes there in the early 2000s. At its core was the idea that violence should be treated as a symptom of something more complex. Morton reasoned that the same could be said about rural crime.

Rather than try to arrest their way out of a problem, the Scottish authoritie­s looked at crime from a public health framework. (Knife crimes plummeted 69 per cent in the decade since the program launched in 2005).

“You have to look at the root causes of why rural crime happens,” Morton said driving his RCMP truck down a pitted and pothole-filled road east of St. Paul, where the eastern rural crime unit is based about 200 kilometres northeast of Edmonton.

Whether it’s poverty, unemployme­nt, addictions issues, lack of education, historical trauma, lack of family and positive role models, focusing attention on the root causes gives police a chance — even if it is a slight chance — of making a difference, said Morton.

That’s why part of the initiative is focused on offender management and building relationsh­ips with support services.

The theory is simple: If a person is arrested and charged, shipped off to remand for six to eight months and then released, the likelihood of reoffendin­g is high. If you can offer services, from rehab to employment advice, maybe you can change behaviours.

Morton ponders: “How successful am I going to be with a Grade 8 education and no fixed address and no job and I suffer from drug and alcohol addiction? I can probably be successful if I address some of those root causes but can I work to address them if I don’t know where to start and when I am stuck with addictions?”

“Crime reduction is essentiall­y finding solutions to break the cycle and find the root causes of the cycle of crime to be committed,” he adds.

Offender management is, however, just one of the pillars of the initiative.


As long as farmers have lived on the land, there have been people out there stealing from them.

What feels different in 2018 is the way rural crime is talked about via social media and the passion that it stirs — call it the amplificat­ion effect of social media.

Morton gets why people are so passionate about protecting their property.

“Rural crime is definitely a problem. It has always been a problem. But I don’t think it’s significan­tly worse,” he said.

“But it hurts people and it has long-lasting effects.”

A recent report from Statistics Canada looking at rural crime paints a gloomy picture.

For instance, Alberta’s rural crime rate last year was 38 per cent higher than the province’s urban crime rate. In Manitoba that number was 42 per cent. In Saskatchew­an it was 36 per cent higher.

The same rural crime report went onto say that “almost half of crime in Canada’s rural areas occurred in these three provinces, which accounted for about a quarter of Canada’s population served by rural police services.”

And over the past few years it has made headlines, some for tragic reasons.

Colten Boushie was shot and killed in 2016 by a farmer who said the 22-year-old Cree man was robbing his Saskatchew­an farm.

The shock and public outcry following the second-degree murder, not-guilty verdict in February resonated across the Prairies and prompted RCMP to launch a series of Saskatchew­an town hall meetings to hear concerns about rural crime.

About two months after Gerald Stanley’s acquittal in that case, a southern Alberta farmer — Edouard Maurice — had charges of aggravated assault, pointing a firearm and careless use of a firearm dropped following a confrontat­ion with two people rummaging through vehicles on his rural property. Again, the public outcry surroundin­g Maurice’s case was loud and angry.


Morton has attended his own town hall events in an effort to inform angry and frustrated rural residents about the crime initiative and to hear what’s going on in their proverbial neck of the woods.

When he stands in front of folks sharing what his team is trying to achieve, he does so through a favourite analogy.

“The horses are out of the barn, they are in the field. We can have discussion­s about why the horses got out, who didn’t lock the barn door, why the gate wasn’t closed, we can have all those discussion­s but the fact remains, the horses are out,” he said.

“Our job is to find the horses, round them up, get them under control, and then we can figure out about getting them back to the barn so we don’t lose them again and we have to go through all of this again.”

He thinks his message is coming across, but frustratio­n still remains.

There is, however, also understand­ing of the paradox of distance: there may be fewer places to steal from in rural Alberta but there also are fewer police to patrol such a vast area, sometimes giving the upper hand to the crooks.

And those criminals are not just your run of the mill addiction-addled culprits looking for whatever they can pawn for a quick fix.

Police have heard that some are using drones to scope out properties from the air while others drive the back roads and drop pins on Google Maps cataloguin­g farm equipment or recreation­al gear like quads and boats. Some trawl Facebook to see who’s on holidays and who is not at home.

That’s why the initiative didn’t just sprinkle 32 RCMP members randomly across more than 100 detachment­s in Alberta and hope for the best.

Instead, the teams were created with a four-pillar mandate: apprehensi­on, suppressio­n, offender management and targeted crime prevention, which aims to reduce crime by targeting chronic offenders, or the five per cent who commit 95 per cent of the crimes.

Or as RCMP Supt. Peter Tewfik likes to say: “Arresting those causing the most grief in communitie­s.”

Tewfik, the man who oversees the provincial project, said the creation of the units allows detachment-level members to deal with more serious investigat­ions and lets the designated crime units stay on task at all times.

The four teams each recruited officers out of a variety of units across the province with expertise in areas ranging from judicial authorizat­ions to search warrants and source handling.

Those teams developing targeted enforcemen­t plans work independen­tly from the regular detachment officers, but they also assist those detachment­s when their paths inevitably cross in the line of duty.

Crime reduction is essentiall­y finding solutions to break the cycle and find the root causes of the cycle of crime to be committed.

Part of the $10-million funding is to build intelligen­ce capacity and run a data centre that takes some of the paperwork off the officers, giving them more time and flexibilit­y for policing, Tewfik said.

“We don’t want those resources to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of policing. That’s not going to help us deal with some of these criminals that are multijuris­dictional,” he said.

“If we target those people who are harming us the most and we have tools that are going to help us disrupt that criminal activity we are going to have an impact on crime rates.”

The recurring rural crime initiative funding, for both RCMP and the Crown, will be reviewed each year and adjusted as required going forward, Alberta Justice spokespers­on Katherine Thompson said.

The funding earmarked for the RCMP is intended to cover the Government of Alberta’s share of additional RCMP positions, she said.

Each of the four districts is taking a slightly different approach to its crime reduction goals.

The eastern district’s Morton has taken a very public and highly visible approach that hearkens back to days of beat cops pounding the pavement.

That includes directing patrols to hot spots, which is an approach that works on several different levels, Morton said.

The presence of uniformed officers deters thieves, but it also ties in with the local crime reduction strategy of chatting with locals about what they are seeing. That in turn feeds into intelligen­ce gathering and source developmen­t that helps targeted enforcemen­t.

“Some of the people we are targeting are affecting all of our systems from health care, social services, justice and there are lots of cases where justice is not the right system to be treating the problems they have,” Tewfik said.


There are some encouragin­g early results.

RCMP reported an 11 per cent drop in rural property crime across Alberta when they compared the first seven months of 2017 to the first seven months of 2018. When you compared only the months of July in those same years, there was a 25 per cent drop.

The RCMP also reports 366 fewer homes broken into, 648 fewer vehicles stolen and 2,358 fewer thefts in rural Alberta this year when compared to the same time last year.

As Tewfik sees it, part of the success is because targeting known repeat offenders leads to more charges.

Rather than a 1:1 ratio of charges to arrests, Tewfik said the unit ratio is now closer to 3:1 meaning offenders are being found with stolen property, firearms and illegal drugs.

“That ratio is really important,” Tewfik said. “For me it shows that we are targeting the right offender.

“We are using the evidence and data that we gather in order to identify people that are the most prolific, the most problemati­c offenders, the people who are impacting our communitie­s the most. Based on that data we are targeting those people.

“It’s not based on gender or race, we are basing it on data and facts to target those people.”

But as with all numbers, the statistics should be approached with caution. Comparing data from the short time frame of a fledgling program has risks. For instance, can the drop be attributed to people simply not reporting crimes?

The RCMP also boasts that 533 arrests made by crime reduction units have resulted in 1,628 charges.

Those numbers look impressive but anyone who has spent time in courthouse­s knows that some of those charges will likely be withdrawn and guilt in others might not be proven.

“The numbers may fluctuate over time but at the end of the day I think the strategy is sound,” Tewfik said. “We are clearing more files, we are arresting offenders on multiple charges, and I believe that’s going to have an impact on crime.”


Up until about four years ago, Ference, the bison farmer, hadn’t really been concerned about rural crime. But things have changed.

“There’s a heightened level of anxiety in the rural community when it comes to crime,” he said.

That being said, someone made off with a $7,000 bail processor back in 2009. The machinery is so specialize­d that whoever stole it either didn’t know what they were stealing or knew precisely what they were doing.

“It’s not like a boat over here that you can put on a lake over there, a bail processor is a piece of farm equipment and there are only a limited number of people who are ever going to use,” he said, shaking his head.

“It is getting worse because they are getting braver.”

“This is a necessary program because it forces everyone to recognize that they have a responsibi­lity in this. For this to work you need people to believe in it and want it,” concludes Morton.

It’s a feeling echoed by Ference. “You can’t blame the police. They can’t be all over the place,” Ference said.

“The reality is that everybody has to take ownership of their property, they have to be more vigilant about the steps they take to preserve their property.

“It’s us as rural residents becoming better at managing how we can be more preventive and create these situations where it is less attractive for criminals to come in.”

 ?? JURIS GRANEY ?? An officer with the RCMP’s eastern Alberta rural crime reduction unit makes notes about a case last month. Visible policing is part of the team’s mandate.
JURIS GRANEY An officer with the RCMP’s eastern Alberta rural crime reduction unit makes notes about a case last month. Visible policing is part of the team’s mandate.
 ?? JURIS GRANEY ?? Lawrence Ference, a bison farmer near St. Paul, is one of the many victims of rural crime in the province. In September, thieves broke into a locked Quonset he rents and stole more than $4,000 worth of goods. “It seems like it doesn’t matter what it is, they’ll steal whatever is not nailed down,” Ference says.
JURIS GRANEY Lawrence Ference, a bison farmer near St. Paul, is one of the many victims of rural crime in the province. In September, thieves broke into a locked Quonset he rents and stole more than $4,000 worth of goods. “It seems like it doesn’t matter what it is, they’ll steal whatever is not nailed down,” Ference says.

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