Edmonton Journal


It’s important not to kill their desire to continue playing sports, say Jonathan Mauro, Douglas Gleddie and Lauren Sulz.


As researcher­s and educators, we know first-hand the positive impact that participat­ion in sports can have on child developmen­t. We are also acutely aware that many children and youth do not have the chance to attain these benefits as they are cut from teams, which is sometimes referred to as de-selection.

Findings from our research confirm that de-selection cuts deep.

There are negative emotional, social and physical consequenc­es.

Athletes lose friends and are forced to find new social circles.

They question their own identities and can feel lost and adrift.

Perhaps quite obviously, their self-esteem is shaken.

Time spent being physically active is reduced — not being on the team means no more practices and games.

Cutting also deters athletes from future participat­ion in the same sport, due to lowered perception­s of ability in that sport.

As well, when no specific feedback is provided as to why athletes are cut, there is a tendency to assume a low level of skill and a prediction of future failure.

The same results happen when athletes are given feedback about things they can’t change like, “You’re too short.”

For coaches, there are four factors that can improve the experience for de-selected athletes:

Immediacy: Don’t make them wait. Communicat­e a date that team-selection decisions will be made, as close to the final tryout as possible. Some athletes reported refreshing their email every few minutes, for days, or waiting by the phone to receive the call.

Privacy: Please don’t tell them in front of the whole group; schedule a time for face-to-face meetings if feasible or, at minimum, personal phone calls to inform athletes in a private setting. Avoid posting a list for all to see or reading out names in front of peers.

Encouragem­ent: Provide options for continuing to improve in the sport. Help athletes move past the disappoint­ment by connecting them with other playing opportunit­ies (e.g., community organizati­ons, sport camps, recreation leagues, and opportunit­ies to transition to other sports).

Expectatio­ns: Be clear and upfront about what you are looking for and the process of making the team. Share the team-selection process, timelines and communicat­ion methods with athletes and parents prior to tryouts.

As well, athletes told us that the best way to help them cope with being cut is to provide clear reasons in a face-to-face meeting.

Specifical­ly, coaches should:

State the outcome first: Do not beat around the bush, start with “I am sorry you did not make the team.” Athletes are focused on whether they made the team or not. Until you tell them, they will not internaliz­e anything that is said. Tell them why: Provide the athlete with informatio­n on why they were cut — specific, personal explanatio­ns. Avoid generic feedback, such as, “we had a lot of great players in your position.” This feels impersonal to the athlete and does not provide a clear explanatio­n of the decision.

Provide actionable feedback: Discuss things athletes can actually improve. Avoid unalterabl­e feedback (“you are not tall enough”) and offer specific skills/attributes to improve upon (“work on your ball-handling skills”).

Write it up: Eliminate miscommuni­cation or mispercept­ions of what was said in the one-on-one discussion by providing written feedback. Athletes often forget or misinterpr­et what was discussed in meetings. Written feedback will help athletes accurately interpret and remember informatio­n as well as correctly share what was said with parents.

Our goal as coaches and researcher­s is to keep as many young people participat­ing in sport as possible. We need to work together at all levels (school, community, club and elite), with all stakeholde­rs (parents, sport organizati­ons, government, researcher­s, coaches and especially the kids) to ensure that Canada becomes the best place in the world to be a kid and play sport.

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