Edmonton Journal


She only had her 36-year-old memories to rely upon, Howard Levitt writes.

- Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. The most recent of his six books is War Stories from the Workplace: Columns by Howard Levitt. Twitter.com/HowardLevi­ttLaw

If Christine Blasey Ford were able to sue Justice Kavanaugh in a Canadian court, she would assuredly lose.

Father Time spares no one, even #MeToo accusers. When Blasey Ford levied accusation­s against U. S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, she had little more than her 36-yearold memories to rely upon — a position I would not recommend to any of my firm’s clients.

Blasey Ford’s testimony is a good reminder that allegation­s don’t make a case. Evidence does.

As I pointed out in the previous column, aside from her own recollecti­on, Blasey Ford could not find a witness to corroborat­e her story. Indeed, the contrary applied. She presented no physical or documentar­y evidence to the Senate to help connect the dots.

In court, oral testimony alone is seldom sufficient to carry the day. Plaintiffs are human, with fragile memories. Just realize that they often make mistakes when giving evidence at trial. When a sexual harassment claimant does not recall the specifics of an incident, including dates, times, witnesses, the order of events, and other specific details of their own allegation­s, she is left open to attacks on her credibilit­y and character.

Impeaching the plaintiff ’s credibilit­y is a time-worn approach used in every trial, not a recent invention developed to undermine #MeToo accusers. That is why additional evidence, including witnesses, digital trails, including text messages and emails help to bolster a plaintiff ’s story — and ensure that the plaintiff is not reliant upon her word alone.

Allegation­s like Blasey Ford’s are inherently prejudicia­l to an alleged abuser to respond to. Memories fade, witnesses die. Documents supporting the allegation­s don’t exist, weren’t retained or can’t be found, particular­ly when they precede the advent of electronic communicat­ions.

Canadian courts routinely dismiss cases if allegation­s are so old as to be unfair to the defendant. In the 2015 case of Premium Properties Ltd. v. Aird & Berlis, the court dismissed a negligence claim after the court found the 21-year delay was an abuse of the court’s process. That case was 15 years junior to Blasey Ford’s allegation­s.

In the 2009 Ontario case Berg v. Robbins, with respect to a 13-year delay, the court ruled that any delay in the prosecutio­n of an action requires an explanatio­n. With the absence of a satisfacto­ry explanatio­n, the judicial presumptio­n was that the delay was intentiona­l — and the case was dismissed. Blasey Ford’s allegation­s were 23 years more dated.

While courts will surely apply a more contextual lens to #MeToo cases, the rules of evidence remain the same. The risks of taking dated allegation­s to trial will continue to beleaguer the courts, cause pain to accusers and forever alter the lives of those accused.

Key points to consider in every #MeToo case are:


Cases brought sooner have a greater chance of success as they carry higher chances of locating evidence, witnesses and recording evidence when recollecti­ons are most fresh.

Witness co-operation

Witness participat­ion can be extensive in #MeToo cases. Contacting witnesses early in the litigation process will determine the likelihood of obtaining a witness statement and of the witnesses putting their minds to the event so as to more likely recall it later.

Digital trail

Often emails, text messages and WhatsApp conversati­ons can provide context and circumstan­tial evidence to support or defend any #MeToo claim. Increasing­ly the outcome of cases hinge on the production of these communicat­ions in court.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony of sexual misconduct against then U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, pictured, is a good reminder that allegation­s don’t make a case, evidence does, writes Howard Levitt.
ANDREW HARNIK/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony of sexual misconduct against then U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, pictured, is a good reminder that allegation­s don’t make a case, evidence does, writes Howard Levitt.

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