Edmonton Journal

Saskatchew­an justice minister miffed over Indigenous pot shop

Muscowpetu­ng Saulteaux First Nation says it has right to create its own cannabis rules


Saskatchew­an’s justice minister says an unlicensed cannabis store on Indigenous land northeast of Regina is illegal.

The Muscowpetu­ng Saulteaux First Nation opened a marijuana dispensary this week.

Chief Anthony Cappo has said the First Nation has a sovereign right to pass its own cannabis regulation­s.

Justice Minister Don Morgan says the federal government delegated jurisdicti­on over cannabis sales to the provinces.

He says he’s disappoint­ed that the First Nation’s leadership went ahead with the dispensary without talking to the province first.

He also says he’s had no formal discussion with leaders from Muscowpetu­ng or any other reserve in the province on the issue.

“If somebody breaks that law, then we don’t direct what the police do, but the police, we know, are enforcing,” Morgan said. “The wrong way to work through is just by starting out by breaking the law and saying, ‘Now let’s sit down and talk,’ ” he said.

“The better way would be to sit down and say, ‘These are things we’d like to do’ and we would say, ‘Of course, glad to have the discussion with you.’ ”

The justice minister pointed to regulation­s for the sale of liquor and cigarettes on reserves as well as for First Nations gaming, where the province has worked out protocols. When asked if he expects to see the matter wind up in court, Morgan said he’s sure it will, but he would rather that it didn’t come to that.

He said he is hoping to meet with Bobby Cameron, chief of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, in the coming days to discuss the dispensary.

Earlier this week, the federation issued a statement in support of Muscowpetu­ng’s right to selfgovern­ance. Morgan said there are still licences for marijuana dispensari­es available in the province and suggested Muscowpetu­ng could still apply for one of them.

The wrong way to work through is just by starting out by breaking the law and saying, ‘Now let’s sit down and talk.’

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