Edmonton Journal


Large classes surged across Alberta as class-size dollars remained untracked for nearly a decade. Janet French reports on those super-sized classes in a new analysis of government data.


As Alberta taxpayers poured hundreds of millions of dollars every year into a program to curtail large class sizes, more and more classes across the province failed to meet government guidelines in the last 14 years.

A Postmedia analysis of a trove of data published online by Alberta Education shows that larger-thanrecomm­ended class sizes initially dropped during the first few years of targeted investment­s through its high-profile class size initiative.

In 2009, the trend reversed, and the number of classes meeting provincial targets dropped year after year, especially in the earliest grades. Last school year, 81 per cent of Kindergart­en to Grade 3 classes were larger than those outlined in provincial guidelines.

For years, the Alberta Teachers’ Associatio­n (ATA) has asked government to release this informatio­n — which the education ministry did late last June in response to a critical report from the province’s auditor general and just weeks after a Postmedia investigat­ion examining ballooning class sizes in Alberta’s three biggest cities.

Despite investing $3.3 billion since 2004 into the class-size initiative, students may be worse off now than they were in the early years of the program, ATA president Greg Jeffery said last week.

“I started to think how teachers are going to feel when this gets out in front of them,” Jeffery said of the data. “They’re frustrated now, and I think they’re going to be agitated.”

Although he doesn’t like to use the term “cap,” Jeffery said it’s time the class-size guidelines created in 2003 by the Alberta Commission on Learning (ACOL) became requiremen­ts.

Schools shouldn’t be penalized for missing the mark, he said. They should have to justify to the education minister why they can’t hit the target.


Alberta’s class-size guidelines were laid down in the wake of an acrimoniou­s teachers’ strike.

The Ralph Klein government in 2002 assembled the Alberta Commission on Learning to study the provincial education system. Among its 95 recommenda­tions was hiring 1,900 more teachers to make classes smaller. The commission said the target class sizes should be 17 children in Kindergart­en to Grade 3, 23 children in Grade 4-6, 25 kids in junior high and 27 teens in high school.

The commission left the targets as recommenda­tions, not caps, to allow school boards flexibilit­y.

Since then, school districts and the government have only publicly reported class-size averages, which the auditor general critiqued in February 2018 for obscuring the range of class sizes and masking the reality of classroom conditions.

Earlier this year, Postmedia obtained class-size informatio­n from six urban school boards via freedom of informatio­n requests and found skyrocketi­ng class sizes, including high school physics classes with as many as 47 students and the bulk of K-3 classes exceeding the guidelines.

In response, the government published 14 years of raw class-size data online for every Alberta school district in massive spreadshee­ts, some of which contained more than 200,000 entries. Postmedia has since been analyzing that data to construct a more complete picture of class sizes across the province.


The trend toward ballooning classes in Edmonton, Red Deer and Calgary holds true provincewi­de. Both the number and proportion of large classes have grown with time, according to the data.

In 2004, for example, just one per cent of the classes had 35 or more children registered. By 2015, it had jumped to 2.6 per cent of classes. In the 2017-18 school year (the most recent year that statistics are available), 2.4 per cent of classes had 35 or more students.

Also in 2017, there were two and a half times more classes with 40 or more kids compared to 13 years ago.

The increase in big classes was even more dramatic when looking at just “core” academic classes such as math, science, language arts and social studies.

The proportion of core classes with 35 or more kids increased more than three and a half times over the 14 years, and the proportion of classes with 40 or more students is nearly six times larger than it was 14 years ago.

Some of these measures peaked between 2013 and 2015 and have since decreased slightly when analyzed provincewi­de.

Large groups are not limited to high schools. Despite the commission recommenda­tion of 17 children in early elementary classes, the data listed 472 K-3 classes with more than 30 students in the 2017-18 school year. Although many of the classes were physical education or music, some were not. They included two kindergart­en classes of 42 and 43 students in Lethbridge, and a Grade 3 math class of 35 at Calder Elementary School — in Education Minister David Eggen’s riding.

Teachers also have said their classes are becoming more complex, with growing numbers of English language learners and students with disabiliti­es.

Although the online data does not include the numbers of students with exceptiona­l needs, Alberta Education provided those numbers for the 14-year period.

Although some schools are moving away from applying codes to students with disabiliti­es, the ratio of coded students to classes has grown steadily during that time.


Eggen says the trends concern him — particular­ly in the early grades, where research says smaller class size can have the most positive effect on learning.

Despite government instructio­ns in 2011 to channel class-size reduction dollars solely to early elementary grades and high school trades, more K-3 classes exceed guidelines than in any other grade group.

A challenge, Eggen said, was the 22 per cent enrolment growth in Alberta public and charter schools since 2004. Some districts are recording more than two per cent growth per year, and some as high as five or six per cent, he said.

The government funded schools for that growth, which put 3,600 more teachers in classrooms during the last four years. It also funded 240 school constructi­on projects to make more room. But keeping up with the growth during an economic downturn and sluggish oil revenues isn’t easy, he said.

Eggen introduced a new requiremen­t in early November he hopes will help. Schools must now report how they spent class-size dollars, in which grades, and how many teachers they hired with that money. In combinatio­n with class-size data, it will help analysts identify hot spots, he said.

He acknowledg­es better tracking alone won’t solve the problem, and hasn’t eliminated the possibilit­y of hard caps on class size “in some circumstan­ces.”

A Supreme Court ruling in B.C. that compelled the government to cap class sizes prompted it to spend $72 million more in their 2018 budget to hire more teachers. That approach seems “arbitrary,” Eggen said, explaining he wants a more affordable solution.


Future plans are less helpful to the students in large classes today. Calgary parent Cassandra Raugust has two teens in Central Memorial High School, where her kids’ academic class sizes range from 35 to 43 students.

Elijah, 15, gets almost no one-onone help from teachers, she said. The transgende­r teen is also bullied in math class, where kids taunt and throw food and spitballs, she said last week.

“The teacher doesn’t even notice,” Raugust said.

Her 18-year-old son Damon needs help with math that he’s not getting at school, and she can’t afford to pay a tutor, she said.

When she heard about the increases in large class sizes, Raugust said it seems the government is not taking the class-size guidelines seriously.

“I’d like to be able to see that my kids aren’t lost in the mix,” she said.


Although the education minister has said he considers the Alberta Commission on Learning’s class guidelines valid today, a University of Calgary education professor said much has changed in the 15 years since they were establishe­d.

Eugene Kowch, chair of the education leadership, policy and governance unit at the Werklund School of Education, said earlier this month teaching methods are moving away from an instructor standing at the front of rows of desks and delivering lectures.

Planning more group and handson activities is more work up front for teachers, but students tend to be more engaged and act out less, which makes teaching more efficient, he said.

He said research about the effect of class size on student outcomes has been inconclusi­ve, whereas good teaching does make a difference.

Teachers used to be masters of their domain, and now they must accept they can’t be experts in everything students need, he said. Instead of divvying students into smaller groups and hiring more classroom teachers, it would be more efficient for a school district — or districts — to have a team of specialist­s who can rapidly respond to individual students’ needs, he said.

Although class size and compositio­n does matter — particular­ly for teacher workload and job satisfacti­on — investing in a flexible team that can roam between classes and schools as students need them might be more cost-effective, he said.

“It isn’t as much about the size of the class,” he said. “It’s about getting the right support to get the teaching and learning done. That takes real teamwork.”

 ??  ?? As Alberta’s student population has boomed, efforts to rein in class sizes have failed to keep up. In 2017, there were two-and-a-half times more classes with 40 or more kids compared to 13 years earlier, with 2.4 per cent of all classes having 35 or more students in the 2017-2018 school year, a Postmedia analysis reveals.
As Alberta’s student population has boomed, efforts to rein in class sizes have failed to keep up. In 2017, there were two-and-a-half times more classes with 40 or more kids compared to 13 years earlier, with 2.4 per cent of all classes having 35 or more students in the 2017-2018 school year, a Postmedia analysis reveals.
 ??  ?? Alberta’s education minister says the expanding class sizes concern him, which is why schools will now have to report how they spent class-size dollars and how many teachers they hired.
Alberta’s education minister says the expanding class sizes concern him, which is why schools will now have to report how they spent class-size dollars and how many teachers they hired.

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