Edmonton Journal

NDP explores support for refinery

Opposition parties accuse Notley of desperatio­n ahead of 2019 election


Alberta is putting out feelers to the private sector to see if there’s any interest in building a new oil refinery in the province.

It’s the latest in a series of moves announced by Premier Rachel Notley to help combat the ongoing oil price crisis.

Notley’s Tuesday announceme­nt in Edmonton was light on details — there are no goals yet when it comes to job creation numbers, costs or how the government would even support constructi­on.

But she was firm on one thing: The project must offer a solid investment return for Alberta.

“It must diversify how we use the energy resources that we as Albertans all own. We need to see jobs for Albertans, we need to see participat­ion from Indigenous communitie­s, and we need to see sound engineerin­g designs and financial plans,” Notley said.

The premier said new and expanded refining capacity is part of the solution to the oil price differenti­al crippling Alberta’s — and Canada’s — economy, and she’s excited to hear what companies have in mind.

“We know companies are interested — we’ve heard it first-hand — so we are stepping up,” she said.


Opposition parties were unimpresse­d with the plan.

United Conservati­ve finance critic Drew Barnes said in a statement his party would review the details, but added “Albertans will recognize today’s non-announceme­nt from the NDP for what it is: the latest ploy from a tired, broke, and increasing­ly desperate government quickly approachin­g the 2019 election.”

Alberta Party energy critic Rick Fraser also slammed the plan as a delay tactic, and accused the government of gambling away Alberta’s future.

“The time to make bold decisions is now,” he said.

“If the Notley NDP were serious about investing in Alberta and expanding our oil refining capability, they would have already moved on the North West Refinery, instead of sending mixed signals that create uncertaint­y.”

The long-awaited North West Sturgeon Refinery, with an expected capacity of 80,000 barrels per day, is slated to begin commercial production in 2019.

That project — which saw its price tag balloon to $9.7 billion — was built near Fort Saskatchew­an with the financial backing of the province, which guaranteed loans. It is the first new refinery to open in Alberta since the 1980s, built with the promise that Alberta will send a share of bitumen from its royalty-in-kind program to the Sturgeon Refinery to be converted into higher-value products.

Asked about the project Tuesday, Notley said the province had learned a lot of lessons since the project was championed by Ed Stelmach and his former Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government.

Constructi­on on the refinery began in 2013.

Notley said the province needs to get more value for its energy resources, so Alberta should “start making more of the products that the world needs right here at home.”

The government will consider interest in new refineries or extensions to existing facilities. Private sector pitches will be accepted until Feb. 8, at which point the government will figure out the next best steps.

Energy Minister Margaret McCuaig-Boyd said companies will be required to submit a business plan including detailed project timing, exactly how they will get feedstock, and what role the government would play in the project.

“We don’t want to be having this same conversati­on, a frustrated conversati­on, 30 years from now,” she said.

 ?? ED KAISER ?? Premier Rachel Notley announces at a news conference Tuesday her government is seeking private-sector interest in refining oil in Alberta.
ED KAISER Premier Rachel Notley announces at a news conference Tuesday her government is seeking private-sector interest in refining oil in Alberta.

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