Edmonton Journal

It's never too late to develop healthy habits

Whether you are 30 or 70, the best time to start exercising, eating well is right now

- Paul Robinson

The other day a retired acquaintan­ce asked our opinion on managing her sore shoulder. She visited a doctor who, after her insistence, had X-rays done. She contacted us because the doctor hadn’t miraculous­ly fixed a problem that was the result of sedentary living. (There had been no specific incident or acute trauma.)

Supporting her doctor’s advice, I suggested rest, a visit to the physiother­apist and regular exercise.

What, no drugs? Acupunctur­e? Massage? Manipulati­on? Surgery? Magic beans?

Nope. Lack of exercise created the problem; rest, rehab and exercise would resolve it. In frustratio­n, her agitated response was, “Well, I guess I have to exercise for the rest of my life then!” We were immediatel­y downgraded to her bad books, alongside her doctor.

For many, retirement takes the form of sitting, reclining, resting, and meeting friends for lunch. Some might say “I’ve earned the right to take it easy.”

Yes, that is indeed an option. But activity — the road less taken — is always the better choice.

With unlimited time on your hands, your golden years should be filled with activity and enjoyment. Should you opt for the healthy route, here are a few points to guide you.

“My doctor doesn’t listen”: I can’t speak for doctors but I’m sure their jobs must be exhausting. You can only say, “let it run its course” and “you should lose weight” so many times a day.

Many clients come to us frustrated with their physicians and deaf to their doctors’ advice of exercise and diet.

The sooner people accept a degree of personal responsibi­lity for their health, the sooner they will start to feel better.

“How long before I’m fit?”: If you thought this was going to be a three-week venture, I’ve got news for you: 40 years of inactivity isn’t remedied by a few pushups and sit-ups.

On the positive side, everyone responds favourably and progressiv­ely to exercise and healthy eating. Your 30 extra pounds accumulate­d gradually, and exercise should ramp up gradually too. If it’s too hard, you won’t do it.

According to a study published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, people who gradually increased exercise to seven hours a week by the age of 40-61 reduced their risk of death from any cause by 35 per cent.

“I know a guy who died young even though he exercised and ate salad. What’s the point?: Yup, sometimes the skinny guy drops dead while running and the grizzled, bacon-eating guy lives forever. That’s just the luck of the draw.

These are exceptions. If you want to spin the wheel, go ahead, sit around and eat bacon. Most ailments — obesity, diabetes, osteoporos­is, sarcopenia, coronary heart disease — are tied to inactivity and poor dietary decisions. But miss the gene pool jackpot and you don’t get another spin. Inactivity and bad diets lead to a retirement filled with prescripti­on medication, immobility and discomfort. Hedge your bets by throwing some lettuce and regular exercise into the mix.

“I’ll never be strong. It’s too late.”: To much grumbling and gnashing of teeth, I suggested my boot camp class increase the weight they were lifting. I informed them my 75-year-old clients lift double the weight for more reps. The class called me ‘ageist’ and suggested the seniors were probably guys. Ah, no — it’s a couple.

I guess the class had a point. These lucky retirees have “all the time in the world” to exercise while poor 30- and 40-year-olds are chained to a desk all day. I will stop using septuagena­rians as a measure for young people. It’s simply unfair.

As you plan for retirement, ensure that healthy, active living plays a big role. Not only does it improve your quality of life but it’s the best medicine going.

A swell of research now underway is demonstrat­ing that exercise can equal, and even exceed, the effects of drugs when dealing with high blood pressure and fat. So remember, it’s never too late.

Paul Robinson has enjoyed 30 years as a personal trainer, executive, speaker and consultant in the fitness industry. He owns Kneifel Robinson (KR) Personal Training, with his partner Monica Kneifel Robinson, serving St. Albert & Edmonton. KR specialize­s in helping beginners, Boomers and gym-phobics achieve success in-studio and online. You can reach them at info@krpersonal­training.com.

 ??  ?? Stretching, exercising and being proactive about your health all increase your chances of having a healthy and happy retirement, fitness expert Paul Robinson writes.
Stretching, exercising and being proactive about your health all increase your chances of having a healthy and happy retirement, fitness expert Paul Robinson writes.
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