Edmonton Journal

MacEwan’s rooftop bees return

- Anna Junker ajunker@postmedia.com twitter.com/JunkerAnna

The rooftop of MacEwan University was abuzz on Thursday as its resident beehives were unwrapped, marking the fourth year of the university’s urban beekeeping project.

On the roof of Building Five at MacEwan University resides six honeybee hives, carefully tended to by the university’s resident urban beekeeper Troy Donovan. The beekeeping project emphasizes the importance of increasing food security in an urban setting, focusing on education and economic sustainabi­lity.

Donovan and his team unwrapped the hives on Thursday afternoon after a particular­ly cold winter and Donovan said he’s always concerned about how the bees have fared come springtime.

“We’ve had a few pieces of technology installed this winter that helps us keep track of how they’re doing,” said Donovan. “It’s a Bluetooth sensor that tracks humidity and temperatur­e and that’s been interestin­g to watch over the winter. We can definitely tell they’re all alive.”

There’s a few things the beekeepers look for to determine the health of a hive after winter.

“The No. 1 concern is if the queen is alive and well. You can tell that by either finding the queen or finding some of the eggs she’s laid fresh that day. The other checks we’re looking at are diseases,” he said.

They also look at the number of bees and how many frames they are covering.

“If they’re covering only one or two frames that’s considered a low population but if they’re covering a good five or six frames on that top box then we know they’re good and strong.”

Donovan said there are usually about 40,000 bees per hive that survive the winter, but their numbers will grow up to 80,000 during the summer months.

The project is especially sweet, as the team eventually harvests honey from the hives. It is sold on campus to help support the project, which began in 2016.

“The first year we had a lot of nice, white honey and we think the source is mostly the rose bushes nearby and then over the years as the colonies have gotten stronger, they’ve started pulling in all different types of colours,” said Donovan.

The bees can buzz as far north as NAIT and as far south as the University of Alberta.

“They’re finding more and more sources of nectar and it’s been interestin­g especially in the way we harvest one frame at a time, we get different colours and we sell it that way,” Donovan said.

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