Edmonton Journal

The beautiful and the damned

Doomed romance plays out over a day in the lives of two modern young adults

- Justine Smith

The Sun Is Also a Star, an adaptation of a popular young adult novel about a doomed 24-hour romance between two New York teens, announces the arrival of the YouTube generation to our big screens. Yes, this story has been done to death, but what sets this version apart is how it reflects the values and esthetic sensibilit­ies of a generation of young people who’ve grown up online.

Daniel (Charles Melton), a high school poet, believes fate is to thank for a chance encounter with Natasha (Yara Shahidi), a high school scientist who sees love as nothing more than a hokum-filled explanatio­n for a base human impulse. Neverthele­ss, she agrees to let Daniel try to prove her wrong: If, while travelling through the city together, he can make her fall for him, she’ll have proof that love is real. The clock is ticking on this experiment, however, because Natasha’s Jamaican-born family is set to be deported the next day.

Yes. Writing down the concept does make it seem ridiculous. But there’s more to it than that.

When we discuss youth and YouTube, we often talk about its more shady corners. However, The Sun Is Also a Star stems from the wholesome content from popular users such as Casey Neistat, who create inspiratio­nal vlogs that mix testimonia­ls and street photograph­y. This particular synthesis of internet culture borrows cinematic narrative convention­s, but injects them with the music queues, montage rhythms and intimate tone of vlogger culture. The online platform goes unmentione­d, but it informs the look and feel of the film.

In a scene set at a Korean karaoke joint, a character sings Crimson and Clover. With its flashing coloured lights and expression­istic montage style, it feels like a direct reference to Jean-Luc Godard’s 1961 anti-musical, Une femme est une femme, which has a similar scene. Godard once described a generation of young people in the 1960s as the “children of Marx and Coca-Cola,” and there’s something undeniably timeless about youthful revolution­ary energy. Pastiche remains a central tenant of audiovisua­l culture in 2019, so it doesn’t seem all that strange that a movie could be informed

by both the French New Wave and YouTube. There is even a Coca-Cola can pressed against a character’s bruised lip.

Marx, on the other hand, might be less obvious. The film prefers to focus on inclusive rather than revolution­ary politics. While the story itself is very much about restrictiv­e immigratio­n policies under Donald Trump, he remains an unnamed bogeyman rather than a specific target. There is a painful effort not to alienate anyone, even those who support the policies that would keep the star-crossed lovers apart.

The film’s earnestnes­s is rooted in the deep, poreless beauty of its leads Shahidi and Melton. They struggle with the sappy dialogue, but they grow into their roles. The incontrove­rtible authentici­ty on display would be annoying if it wasn’t so charming. They are as good as they are beautiful, a classic Hollywood ploy that hardly ever fails to elicit envy and yearning.

For a movie so invested in the online culture, however, The Sun Is Also a Star is undone by the fact that the characters cannot connect via social media. It’s one of many contrivanc­es of fate in a movie that seems pleasantly aware of its indulgence­s in the predictabl­e. As long as you don’t think too much about it, it’s a forgivable misstep.

As a whole, the film is a flawed but fascinatin­g portrait of life as seen by young people who’ve come of age in the 21st century. It doesn’t say anything new but it reveals at least a sliver of hope that we all want a better tomorrow.

 ?? Warner Bros. ?? Yara Shahidi stars in The Sun Is Also a Star, an earnest tale of young love between kids who are both beautiful and good.
Warner Bros. Yara Shahidi stars in The Sun Is Also a Star, an earnest tale of young love between kids who are both beautiful and good.

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