Edmonton Journal

infant chiropract­ic care concerns.


- SHARON KIRKEY National Post skirkey@postmedia.com Twitter.com/sharon_kirkey

In Australia, their own regulators have banned chiropract­ors — temporaril­y at least — from manipulati­ng the spines of babies after viral videos of a chiropract­or dangling a newborn by its heels and applying spinal and skull pressure sparked a public uproar.

In Canada, however, chiropract­ors are expanding their practices into pediatrics, planning upcoming weekend introducto­ry courses on the “essentials” of adjusting newborns and children.

Most babies need adjusting to unblock nervous system “interferen­ce” caused by the trauma of passing through the birth canal, according to conference instructor­s.

Attendees will be practising on baby dolls. “Any type of baby doll, other than Barbie (too small) or Cabbage Patch Kid (no neck) is acceptable,” according to the conference website. Mon Bébé is the preferred choice.

The two-day, 12-hour courses — scheduled for Toronto in July, and Ottawa in November — are drawing fresh alarm from medical doctors and consumer health advocates, who say the notion that newborns need adjusting for misaligned vertebrae within days, or even hours, after birth is scaremonge­ring and that no reliable scientific evidence exists to support the practice.

“Charlatans,” Dr. Moira Stilwell, a physician and former B.C. MLA said in a recent Twitter thread about the weekend seminar. “This. Hurts. Babies,” she tweeted.

“Imagine one of us intubating/ventilatin­g, inserting a chest tube, and central lines in kiddos with a two-day ‘demonstrat­ion,’ ” added Ontario pediatrici­an Dr. Rick MacDonald.

The Internatio­nal Chiropract­ic Pediatric Associatio­n, which has falsely claimed that mercury in vaccines causes autism, is organizing the weekend courses.

Part one — an introducti­on to low force “pediatric adjusting” — will be delivered by Armand Rossi, a South Carolina chiropract­or who promotes the controvers­ial theory that newborns acquire “vertebral subluxatio­ns” of the spine during the tiring and tumultuous birth process, whether the baby is delivered naturally or via caesarean section.

Subluxatio­ns are said to occur when one or more tiny bones in the spine or pelvis are misaligned, or pushed out of place, pinching the spinal nerves and disrupting a kind of “vital energy” flowing between brain and body that keeps the body functionin­g properly. Pulling, twisting, forceps or suction, chiropract­ors say, can all cause further stress on the baby’s spine. The sooner the “subluxatio­ns” are found and corrected, the better. Rossi adjusted his own children when the umbilical cord was still attached.

There are no scary cracks or popping with chiropract­ic adjustment­s, parents are reassured. Rather, gentle pressure is applied to a baby’s specific vertebrae using about the same amount of force used to check a tomato for ripeness.

Rossi did not respond to requests for an interview. However, in a presentati­on

to chiropract­ors posted to YouTube earlier this year, he said newborns with subluxatio­ns should be seen every other day, or every day — “whatever you need to, until they hold the adjustment.”

Rossi said infants should not be adjusted if they are “clear, obviously” of subluxatio­ns. He added that, before any touching occurs, babies should be visually assessed to make certain they are not in distress and need medical or emergency care.

The ICPA, organizer of the weekend courses, declined to comment. However, in a rebuttal published last year in response to a Post article, the group said more than 80 per cent of newborns will require a spinal adjustment after birth and that the forces applied during chiropract­ic adjustment­s of babies “are not capable of causing fractures or dislocatio­ns of the spine and extremitie­s of newborns and infants.”

Set aside whether a 12-hour weekend course is even sufficient to start adjusting babies, said consumer health advocate Ryan Armstrong. “Training time is irrelevant; babies do not need to be adjusted and they should not have their spines manipulate­d.”

Armstrong, who holds a PhD in biomedical engineerin­g, said chiropract­ic adjustment­s of infants offer no known benefits but potential risks.

There isn’t just a lack of evidence, but a lack of plausibili­ty, he added. “For all conditions that chiropract­ors claim to treat in infants, there is no known physiologi­cal mechanism to explain how spinal manipulati­ons would benefit.”

On websites, chiropract­ors promote spinal adjustment­s to treat all manner of disease, including colic, constipati­on, ear infections, digestive disorders, ADHD, food and other allergies and dyslexia.

However, vertebral subluxatio­n — as defined by chiropract­ors — has been “thoroughly debunked,” Armstrong said. “Not only is it not recognized by any other health profession, but even contempora­ry chiropract­ors recognize that it is pseudo-science from the profession’s past.”

“These programs are effectivel­y teaching chiropract­ors how to … take advantage of parents who may need legitimate medical care for their children,” Armstrong said.

As the National Post reported in March, chiropract­ors are one of the largest primary-contact health profession­s in the country, with about 4.5 million Canadians visiting the country’s 9,000 licensed chiropract­ors each year.

However, concerns have been mounting that some chiropract­ors are referring to themselves as specialist­s in pediatrics, which, in fact, is a medical specialty requiring a medical degree, followed by a lengthy residency program. Chiropract­ors have even posted photos of themselves on Twitter sneaking into hospitals to adjust newborns and babies, including an Ottawa-area chiropract­or who visited the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario to adjust the spine of a twomonth-old suffering a viral infection. ( The hospital doesn’t permit chiropract­ic practice within its hospital.)

According to the Canadian Paediatric Society no studies have been published on chiropract­ic treatment of back pain in children.

One Cochrane review (considered the gold standard in medical research) looked at the suggestion that gentle (low velocity, low amplitude) manipulati­ve techniques might help with colic, or excessive crying. It concluded there was insufficie­nt evidence to draw any confident conclusion­s around safety or efficacy.

In Australia, where alarming videos of chiropract­ors adjusting newborns have pushed health authoritie­s to launch an expert independen­t review of spinal manipulati­ons of children under 12, the Chiropract­ic Board of Australia has acknowledg­ed “there is no current clinical guideline, or peer-reviewed publicatio­n to guide chiropract­ors with respect to the care of infants and young children, and the use of spinal manipulati­on in particular.”

Rossi, in the video lecture to chiropract­ors, encourages only “gentle” and “loving” adjustment­s. There’s no dangling of newborns upside down, a manoeuvre pediatrici­ans called “incredibly stupid.”

The College of Chiropract­ors of Ontario said it does not approve, endorse or sponsor any continuing education programs other than those created by the college itself. The Ontario Chiropract­ic Associatio­n, meanwhile, said pediatric care is within the regulated scope of practice granted through legislatio­n in Ontario. “The OCA position is that infants should be under the care of a pediatrici­an, family doctor or nurse practition­er, and we support chiropract­ors collaborat­ing and communicat­ing with an infant’s entire health care provider,” spokesman Miguel Pachero said.

 ?? YouTube ?? A recent viral video of a newborn baby being dangled by its feet by a chiropract­or has triggered a public uproar. Chiropract­ic adjustment­s of infants offer no known benefits but do come with potential risks, says consumer health advocate Ryan Armstrong.
YouTube A recent viral video of a newborn baby being dangled by its feet by a chiropract­or has triggered a public uproar. Chiropract­ic adjustment­s of infants offer no known benefits but do come with potential risks, says consumer health advocate Ryan Armstrong.

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