Edmonton Journal

Most Albertans still oppose separation, but do feel a disconnect with Canada


Despite a majority of Albertans who feel their views differ from those across the rest of Canada, most don’t support the idea of the province separating to form its own country, a new poll suggests.

Three in 10 Albertans believe Alberta would be better off as its own country, while 62 per cent disagree, according to the online survey conducted by Research Co. from July 23 to 25.

“The proportion of Albertans who appear to be flirting with separation has risen,” said Research Co. president Mario Canseco. “It is important to note that the level of strong disagreeme­nt with this statement dropped from 58 per cent in December 2018 to 44 per cent now.”

Support for Alberta separatism has risen by five percentage points since a similar survey conducted by Research Co. toward the end of last year.

The new poll, which surveyed 700 adults in Alberta, found 56 per cent of respondent­s think their views “are different from the rest of the country,” including 64 per cent of men, 63 per cent of those aged 55 and up, as well as 72 per cent of those who voted for the United Conservati­ve Party in April’s provincial election.

Data was statistica­lly weighted according to Canadian census figures for age, gender and region in Alberta.

In a video shared on social media on Saturday, Premier Jason Kenney blamed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for problems facing Alberta, calling for, “if necessary, a constituti­onal vote on equalizati­on.”

About 27 per cent of respondent­s, down four per cent since December, indicated they consider themselves “Albertans first, and Canadians second,” according to the Research Co. survey.

But that proportion rises to 34 per cent for those aged 55 and over, as well as those who don’t reside in Alberta’s two biggest centres of Calgary and Edmonton.

UCP voters are 10 per cent more likely than the provincial average to primarily identify with their province rather than their country.

Meanwhile, Alberta residents are split when asked if they have more in common with Americans than their fellow Canadians.

Around 43 per cent of Albertans agree with this statement, while 43 per cent disagree, according to the survey.

 ?? GAVIN YOUNG ?? A new poll shows most Albertans still disagree that Alberta would be better off separating from Canada, but that number is shrinking.
GAVIN YOUNG A new poll shows most Albertans still disagree that Alberta would be better off separating from Canada, but that number is shrinking.

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