Edmonton Journal

School council group faces uncertain future with Alberta budget delay

- JANET FRENCH jfrench@postmedia.com

A 90-year-old provincial organizati­on of parents that trains and advises school councils across Alberta is at risk of paring back services and laying off staff while its provincial funding is in limbo.

Explanatio­ns for how the organizati­on wound up in this situation depend on who you ask.

The Alberta School Councils’ Associatio­n has been running on contingenc­y funds since July, president Allison Pike said last week.

By the end of September, without informatio­n from government about whether its funding will continue, and how much it will receive, the associatio­n will begin letting some employees go and charging school councils for profession­al developmen­t workshops usually covered by public funding.

“It is ironic that we’re having to really prove our worth with the government that does say that they care about parent voice,” Pike said.

About 88 per cent of the associatio­n’s $740,000 annual budget comes from a conditiona­l grant from the ministry of education, Pike said.

With no spring provincial budget after Alberta voters ushered in a new United Conservati­ve Party government, and no budget coming until October, some organizati­ons and local government­s are grappling with funding uncertaint­y.

Although the associatio­n’s funding ran out in July, the education ministry only received the associatio­n’s annual grant applicatio­n on Aug. 20 — 11 business days ago, said Colin Aitchison, press secretary to Education Minister Adriana Lagrange.

The ministry told the associatio­n in May it could submit its funding applicatio­n any time.

Pike said the associatio­n usually applies for funding in spring, but a senior ministry official told them not to bother applying until later because applicatio­ns wouldn’t be examined until fall, due to a delayed provincial budget.


Alberta’s Education Act, which took effect Sept. 1, requires public, Catholic and francophon­e schools to have a school council composed of a majority of parents.

According to provincial regulation­s, school boards must give councils an analysis of provincial exam results and other informatio­n, and offer councils an opportunit­y to provide feedback and advice.

Pike said the associatio­n travels to and runs about 300 workshops a year with school councils across the province, and provides consultati­on on how to run an effective school council.

“Parents don’t necessaril­y know how to use their voice,” she said.

If the associatio­n begins charging for workshops, that may be beyond the budgets of many school councils, who have limited fundraisin­g powers, she said.

“It’s concerning parents might not have a formalized way to have their voices heard,” Pike said.

Aitchison said the ministry is reviewing the grant applicatio­n. He did not provide a timeline for a decision.

“Our government respects the voices of parents as the primary educators of their children, and encourages them to get involved in our education system,” he said in a Wednesday email.

When the newly-elected NDP government delayed its first budget to October 2015, that government assured organizati­ons their provincial grants would be coming, NDP education critic Sarah Hoffman said last week.

Hoffman pointed to the work the associatio­n did in 2018 to organize informatio­n and feedback sessions on drafts of a new provincial K-4 curriculum as a tangible public contributi­on.

“I really feel for them,” she said. “I really feel they provide an important service, and I’m frustrated that they’re left in this limbo while the government decides whether they value their work.”

Our government respects the voices of parents as the primary educators of their children, and encourages them to get involved …

 ??  ?? Allison Pike
Allison Pike

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