Edmonton Journal

MMIW inquiry just got worse

- CHRIS SELLEY cselley@nationalpo­st.com Twitter.com/cselley

Back in June, the debate over whether Indigenous Canadian women are victims of genocide drowned out many concerns and criticisms that had been levelled against the inquiry that concluded they are. Those came not least from the families of victims, who alleged a lack of empathy compounded by endless staff turnover, a glacial pace of evidence-gathering and a lack of transparen­cy. This week CBC reported the inquiry also made some very basic factual errors.

The final report alleges “Indigenous women and girls now make up almost 25 per cent of homicide victims,” when of course it’s 25 per cent of female homicide victims. In her preface, commission­er Michèle Audette claims “statistics show … Indigenous women and girls are 12 times more likely to be murdered or missing than any other women in Canada.” Statistics Canada pegs it at around 2.7 times more likely.

“We were on the ground, we were with the families,” Audette explained. “Sometimes we were able to see that numbers don’t connect to the reality on the ground.”

This validated widespread concerns that the inquiry was disastrous­ly uninterest­ed in collecting actual data about victims, perpetrato­rs and circumstan­ces, but it gets worse: Correction­s made to the report in light of CBC’S inquiries are not annotated, nor have they been included in all versions — including the official one filed with the government.

Some are understand­ably worried the inquiry’s useful findings might be overshadow­ed by such blunders. But if anything I think it could be a useful reminder, because the discussion following the report’s release came nowhere near running its course. At one point, amid much waffling, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau literally copped to Canada committing genocide under his watch: “We accept the finding that this was genocide, and we will move forward to end this ongoing national tragedy.”

And then … nothing. We are about to have an election campaign in which a head of government has admitted at the very least to failing to prevent genocide — itself a breach of internatio­nal law, putting Trudeau’s Canada in the same league as Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbia. A lot of perfectly mainstream jurists and commentato­rs said they agreed with this. And now, bupkes.

I suspect a lot of people who claim to support the inquiry’s findings are rolling their eyes at this point. It’s not, you know, GENO-CIDE-genocide. Justin Trudeau’s not going to wind up in The Hague, for heaven’s sake.

All I can say is read the report. Its legal analysis concedes “there is little precedent in internatio­nal law for situations where the state is the perpetrato­r of genocide through structural violence, such as colonialis­m,” but it very much implicates Canada in GENOCIDE-geno-cide, “in breach of (its) internatio­nal obligation­s, triggering its responsibi­lity under internatio­nal law.”

Few commentato­rs seemed to have read that part. After the report’s release, some asked why Indigenous people shouldn’t be allowed to define the terms of their own terrible mistreatme­nt — but the report is concerned specifical­ly with the UN Convention. Others found themselves defending historical events as genocide or “cultural genocide,” which is a much easier case to make — just not the report’s case. Nearly everyone — including, you will note above, the authors of the report’s legal analysis — found themselves supporting the charge of genocide against Indigenous people, rather than against women.

They found themselves doing all that because the inquiry’s case for an ongoing genocide against Indigenous people in general, and Indigenous women specifical­ly, was a hopelessly dodgy, ill-advised distractio­n. Even if you can accept that when Indigenous men murder Indigenous women they do so as unwitting agents of genocidal Canadian colonialis­m, Indigenous men are murdered roughly three times more often than Indigenous women.

Most ridiculous were the folks who ostensibly supported the report’s findings but accused skeptics of getting too hung up on the genocide thing. “Let’s not obsess about who did what to whom in Srebrenica,” nobody ever said. “It’s no big deal whether Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic calls it ‘genocide’ or ‘a crime,’” nobody added in 2013 when Nikolic apologized only for the latter. Just because you’re accusing a person or entity of a novel kind of genocide doesn’t mean you aren’t accusing them of something that needs answering for. It’s a big word for a reason.

The fact Trudeau was able to shrug the accusation away may well be evidence of Canadians’ apathy or antipathy toward Indigenous people. But it is certainly evidence that the inquiry swung for the fences and whiffed. There is indeed lots else in the report about how to prevent Indigenous women from going missing and being murdered, but it’s nothing we didn’t know before: Better housing, education and health, more job opportunit­ies, higher incomes and happier lives lead to all the better outcomes we’re after.

That progress has been in many cases so slow is a national shame, and normally I would say we can’t be reminded of that often enough. But this hopelessly misbegotte­n, mismanaged and incurious inquiry may well have made things worse.

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