Edmonton Journal

Commission hears update on LGBTQ2S+ apology

- ANNA JUNKER ajunker@postmedia.com

The Edmonton Police Commission heard an update on the service’s apology to the LGBTQ2S+ community and the next steps going forward to bridge a better relationsh­ip on Thursday.

Presenting to the commission Thursday afternoon, Natasha Goudar, equity, inclusion and human rights strategic adviser and Celene Lemire, stakeholde­r relations and adviser, detailed where things are at with the Edmonton Police Service’s LGBTQ2S+ apology and reconcilia­tion process.

The apology was given by Edmonton police Chief Dale Mcfee on May 3 and marked the first day of the reconcilia­tion process through inclusive consultati­on with groups and individual­s within the LGBTQ2S+ community.

“We wanted to ensure we had considerat­ion for the youth perspectiv­e, the two-spirit community, sex trade workers to either speak to a representa­tive or have a proxy to speak on their behalf, the social and arts community, Edmonton Pride Festival, the Pride Centre of Edmonton, the Landing, HIV Edmonton, Fruits in Suits, Team Edmonton and the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose,” Lemire told the commission, and said this is not an all-inclusive list.

Lemire also noted they have reached out to a few other members of the community that have politely declined or not responded.

Goudar said they are moving into the next phase where the consultant­s will be developing their reports based on the feedback they received.

“Celine and I will then be putting together a summary report of those findings with the recommenda­tions on how we should be moving forward and an action plan,” said Goudar.

The pair plans to come back to the commission in January to present the action plan.

“This is going to be uncomforta­ble and it’s going to be uncomforta­ble for everybody and it’s OK to sit in discomfort and it’s really important we look at discomfort, not as a negative thing but part of the transition in moving forward,” said Lemire.

Glynnis Lieb, a new member of the Sexual and Gender Minority Community Liaison Committee and executive director of the Institute for Sexual Minorities Studies and Services at the University of Alberta, attended Thursday’s commission.

She raised the point that EPS is in a complex situation as there are certain groups and individual­s who have not provided feedback because there is still a lack of trust in the relationsh­ip with the police, especially with interactio­ns on the street.

“We’re dealing with a lot more than just relationsh­ip with the queer and trans(gender) community here. We’re dealing with lots of historical complexiti­es that cross boundaries of race, religion, socioecono­mic status, all those things that culminate,” said Lieb after the meeting.

“This is going to be a long road to get to the point where people who actually need to feel safe the most and are the most likely to be victimized get to a point where they feel that law enforcemen­t in this city is a place for them to go to be protected.”

Acting police chief Kevin Brezinski said Lieb’s point is important and once the service receives the recommenda­tions from the external consultant­s, they will be looking at ways to improve the service delivery.

“Some of the things we’re doing now, for example, is we had some of our internal folks from the community educate our serious crimes branch, just educating them about language and the importance of words,” said Brezinski.

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