Edmonton Journal

Kenney urges PM to get TMX built

Pipeline the best way to address western alienation, premier says


The fate of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion mustn’t be a bargaining chip in a federal Liberal minority government, said Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.

It would be “totally unacceptab­le” for a re-elected federal government to withdraw approval of the pipeline’s expansion to gain the backing of the federal NDP, Bloc Quebecois or Green Party on a confidence motion in the House of Commons, Kenney told reporters at the legislatur­e Tuesday.

All three parties oppose expansion of oil pipelines.

“If the prime minister means what he said last night about listening to Alberta and Saskatchew­an, the clearest way he could do so would be to unequivoca­lly commit this new government to the completion of the pipeline that the federal government owns,” Kenney said.

The expansion, which has been delayed by court challenges and regulatory hurdles, will nearly triple the volume of oil transporte­d from Edmonton to Burnaby, B.C., when complete in 2022.

With conservati­ves elected Monday in 33 of 34 Alberta ridings, Kenney fired off a letter to Trudeau listing at least 13 ways the prime minister can mend relations with Prairie folks who spurned his party.

Key among his suggestion­s were policies that could help Alberta get more oil and natural gas to internatio­nal markets, which he said would help reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and bolster provincial and federal coffers.

Kenney proposed exempting Alberta from a federal carbon tax, which will take effect Jan. 1, 2020, and repealing federal legislatio­n he says will make it more difficult to build oil pipelines in Canada.

Kenney campaigned on replacing Alberta’s carbon tax on heavy emitters with a new Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) program that would lower the price of carbon emissions to $20 a tonne from $30 a tonne. On Tuesday, while discussing conciliato­ry gestures, he said the Alberta government would set the price at $30 a tonne in 2020, which is what the federal government wants.

The premier also renewed his previous calls on Trudeau to amend the federal equalizati­on formula, remove a mortgage stress test for Alberta property buyers and chop away internal trade barriers.

“We don’t object to sharing some of our wealth,” Kenney said. “What we object to is Ottawa and some provincial government­s expecting us to pay those bills without allowing us to develop the wealth to do so.”

The premier is also appointing a panel of prominent Albertans to brainstorm other mechanisms for the province to “secure our role in fairness in the Canadian federation,” he said.

Within a week, he hopes to name individual­s who will hold public hearings to air some of the frustratio­ns about and potential solutions to the western alienation that drove Albertans to turf its Liberal MPS.

As threats of separation raged on social media Tuesday, the premier made a pitch for keeping the country whole: Albertans are patriots, Alberta has the backing of other provincial government­s, and the province lacks a coast, he said.

“We should not let Justin Trudeau and his policies make us feel unwelcome in our own country,” he said.

NDP Opposition deputy house leader Heather Sweet said the election results are a clear warning from Alberta that a federal government must protect Alberta’s role in confederat­ion.

Although the federal NDP is opposed to the Trans Mountain expansion project, the Alberta NDP will continue to push for its completion, Sweet said.

She was skeptical of Kenney’s latest panel, saying the premier doesn’t ask questions without already knowing the answers he’s looking for. The exercise is seeking “permission” to pursue Alberta separatism, she said.

Like Kenney, some re-elected Edmonton MPS said Tuesday the Liberals should ease developmen­t of Alberta’s energy industries to mend fences with an irate province.

Victorious Edmonton Centre conservati­ve candidate James Cumming said the federal government should ensure Trans Mountain proceeds, along with other potential projects in liquid natural gas and “value added” options, such as chemical or plastic production.

“We’ve got abundant resources, we’ve got abundant commoditie­s, so there’s just oodles of opportunit­y in Alberta if the federal government will just let us do what we do well,” he said.

Re-elected Edmonton Riverbend MP Matt Jeneroux said Tuesday Trudeau sounded tone deaf to the province’s economic struggles during the campaign when he mused about the Liberals picking up more seats in Alberta.

He has little appetite for talk of separation.

“I know many of us are frustrated right now with results and not seeing that we’re in Ottawa,” he said of the Liberals’ win. “I love Canada, I want us to stay united. I want Alberta to be a part of it and then, quite simply, I think Canada is worth fighting for.”

What we object to is Ottawa and some provincial government­s expecting us to pay those bills without allowing us to develop the wealth to do so.”

 ?? LARRY WONG ?? Premier Jason Kenney looked to quell talk of Alberta separation Tuesday, but said, “We should not let Justin Trudeau and his policies make us feel unwelcome in our own country.”
LARRY WONG Premier Jason Kenney looked to quell talk of Alberta separation Tuesday, but said, “We should not let Justin Trudeau and his policies make us feel unwelcome in our own country.”

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