Edmonton Journal

Our politician­s should serve as role models for civility

- KEITH GEREIN Commentary kgerein@postmedia.com twitter.com/ keithgerei­n

It’s a human metamorpho­sis that continuall­y leaves me perplexed and disturbed.

Chances are you know someone like this. Maybe you are one.

It’s the phenomenon that occurs when people who are loving parents and generous neighbours get behind the wheel and instantly become the worst version of themselves at the turn of the ignition.

On the asphalt, otherwise jovial Dr. Jekylls turn into motorist

Mr. Hydes, treating traffic laws as irritation­s, screaming at the perceived incompeten­ce of other drivers, and generally acting as a roadway nuisance if not an outright threat to public safety.

No amount of traffic tickets or insurance claims seems to reform them.

I bring it up because it’s the only parallel I can think of to describe the toxicity rampant on social media platforms these days in Alberta, particular­ly in the sphere of politics. The cyberspace sideswipes and stunting have been so prevalent in recent weeks and months, it’s hard not to think of 2019 as a real low point.

Again, chances are you know someone like this.

Such folks may have just agreed to cover for a sick colleague, canvass for cancer or donate a kidney.

Yet when they are bathed in the full light of a computer screen, the werewolf emerges. Their brows furrow, their hands shake, and they type things to strangers they would never say out loud to someone they know.

If this sounds familiar, here’s my plea: Stop.

Make it a New Year’s resolution.

Yes, by all means exercise more, eat better and get more sleep, but also vow to spend less time in the ugly corners of social media. Or, if you must be there, make an effort to spend less time being awful to your fellow Albertans.


Consider it an investment in everyone’s mental health.

In particular, I hope this is advice that can be heard by those with public jobs in politics, from MLAS and municipal councillor­s to press secretarie­s and journalist­s (myself included).

Of late, too many in this arena have taken licence — or been given a mandate — to be far more aggressive in their tweeting and posting to the point that some have effectivel­y become taxpayer-funded trolls.

Political spin has long been a feature on social media, but I can’t remember a time when so many people paid through the public purse — and supposedly elected or hired to work for all of us — have used the platforms to insult, vilify, stoke, mislead and make outrageous claims.

However, equally if not more distressin­g is the reaction to such behaviour, when political opponents and members of the public pile on with their own insults that can feature varying degrees of bigotry, misogyny and threats of violence. The hostility directed at women in political circles has been particular­ly appalling.

And to be clear, no political group can legitimate­ly claim moral superiorit­y on this issue, only hypocrisy.

It comes from folks on the left who fail to live up to the justice, acceptance and pacifism they preach, while also from those on the right who abuse the free speech and standards of decency they claim to revere.

Vile responses on both sides beget more vile responses.

This is a vicious cycle, and one that will continue to poison our political discourse unless those who perpetuate it decide to pump the brakes, especially those in positions of influence.

While we must remember social media is not generally reflective of real-life, day-to-day interactio­ns, it’s also foolhardy to think such virtual venom isn’t having some effect on the state of our already divided democracy.

That said, I’m not naive enough to think one column is going to act as some sort of social therapy, especially in an era of politics that sees more value in motivating your base than reaching across the aisle.

Still, I hope Albertans will consider some simple shifts in strategy to begin 2020 on the right foot.

Avoid being so easily enraged. Take delight in something other than the latest takedown.


The best weapon to use against a troll is to ignore them. Don’t take the bait.

If you must respond, then respond with facts over flippancy. Criticize policies over personalit­ies. Attack the message instead of the messenger.

Hesitate before you post. If it’s something you wouldn’t say out loud to a neighbour, why does the internet need to see it?

And, ultimately, try to remember that the person who just posted that series of offensive remarks may not be the wholly offensive person you imagine them to be.

Whether behind the wheel or behind the keyboard, slowing down and staying in your lane is rarely a bad idea.

Albertans and our political leaders must do a much better job this coming year of respecting others using the superhighw­ay before we drive our democracy into the ditch.

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