Edmonton Journal

Sherwood Park musician raises donations for food banks by playing requests online

Classicall­y trained pianist has launched Keys for COVID to help during pandemic

- ANNA JUNKER ajunker@postmedia.com Twitter.com: @Junkeranna

A Sherwood Park woman is using the power of music to raise donations for Alberta food banks during the COVID -19 pandemic.

Anna Zhang, a classicall­y trained pianist, said she wanted to find a way to help others while following government advice to stay home. So she turned to what she knows best — music.

“When you think about helping ... you think about volunteeri­ng and actually going out to these different organizati­ons and doing something. But since I was staying home, and we’re all required to stay home, I didn’t feel like that was something I could do,” Zhang said.

“I’m fortunate enough to have a musical background and to also have a piano at home that I was spending a lot of time just playing around on, having fun with. And I came up with the idea one day that maybe I could potentiall­y use my music to raise donations.”

That’s how Zhang came up with Keys for COVID. By going to her website, keysforcov­id.com, individual­s can make a donation of any amount and submit a song request. The donation goes to a fund for a number of food banks in Alberta as well as one in Toronto, where Zhang attends law school.

Zhang then creates a one- to two-minute cover of the requested song with her piano and posts the videos to the website as well as an Instagram account, @keysforcov­id.

“It’s been a wild adventure. For the most part, I think a lot of people have been requesting kind of top-40 hits type of thing, songs that you hear on the radio by popular artists,” Zhang said. “But I’ve also gotten requests from musicals; I’ve gotten two classical piece requests.”

Zhang even received a request to cover the song Low by Flo Rida featuring T-pain.

“I really just like a variety of all different types of music. I use it as a really good way to expand my musical repertoire and expand and challenge myself to play a different style of music, as well,” she said.

Zhang has also collaborat­ed with other local musicians for the fundraisin­g effort and would love to do more.

“The goal is not to have a perfectly polished music cover, but just to kind of bring musicians and listeners and artists together and have fun,” Zhang said.

For previous song covers, Zhang has collaborat­ed with a friend who tap dances, singers, guitarists, bassists and drummers, as well as her sister, who plays the violin.

“I’ve had a lot of fun trying to integrate different instrument­s that I can’t play, but other people can,” she said.

So far, more than $1,000 has been raised for food banks through Keys for COVID.

“I would love to be able to donate over $1,000 to every single food bank,” Zhang said. “But of course, I’m hoping to ... raise as much as I can.”

I’ve had a lot of fun trying to integrate different instrument­s that I can’t play, but other people can.

 ?? GREG SOUTHAM ?? Pianist Anna Zhang is raising money for Alberta’s food banks during the COVID-19 pandemic by taking song requests from the public, which she covers and posts online.
GREG SOUTHAM Pianist Anna Zhang is raising money for Alberta’s food banks during the COVID-19 pandemic by taking song requests from the public, which she covers and posts online.

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