Edmonton Journal



A determined group of Canadians are taking the federal government to court. This landmark case will affect the rights of all Canadians. The question at hand is this: can the government take your property with no justificat­ion? Based on some past cases, it’s looking like the answer is yes. Another question is what kind of property can they take? Apparently, anything: your land, bank account, personal possession­s, whatever it is that they determine you don’t need, or they want for their own reasons. In this case, a group of licensed gun owners is suing the government over the latest gun ban. The only justificat­ion offered by the government has been political sloganeeri­ng and a campaign of untrue rhetoric. This may appeal to Canadians who don’t own guns, as they aren’t losing any of their property, but the abuse of power and lack of accountabi­lity on behalf of the government should concern us all. As it stands, it’s looking like the government can simply use any motive to justify its improper exercise of this authority: pandemic, climate emergency, economic crisis, or any other reason could be used to take anything you own. Today it’s Rcmp-vetted, licensed gun owners, but tomorrow it could be you. Take an interest in this case because it will affect your future, and the future of generation­s to come. Find out why, and how you can help. Visit us at propertyju­stice.ca

Rod M. Giltaca CEO & Executive Director CCFR\CCDAF

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