Edmonton Journal


- PAUL FRIESEN pfriesen@postmedia.com Twitter: @friesensun­media

Did you hear the big news out of CFL head office this week?

For a few hundred loonies, you can get your name on the Grey Cup.

Well, almost.

Pony up the cash and they’ll inscribe your Jane Henry on a new base for the storied trophy.

Well, no, I guess it’s not really a base, either. The Cup already has a base, and that’s where players from the winning teams get their names etched every year.

What the marketing geniuses at 50 Wellington St. East in The Big Smoke have come up with is more like a base for the base. Something the Cup can sit on for its cross-country meet-and-greet sessions.

Why don’t they just use a table, you ask?

Well, that’s kinda boring. And there’s no money in it.

If you’ve been reading anything about the CFL these days, it’s that our dear, old, three-down loop needs all the financial help it can get. I wouldn’t be surprised if they put squeegee kids at every intersecti­on in Winnipeg.

Commission­er Randy Ambrosie has his hat in hand because the feds didn’t cough up $30 million in an interest-free loan to stage a six-game regular season, plus playoffs.

It seems to me they could have split that $30 million nine ways, had each franchise throw in $3.3 million and somehow made it work — they were supposed to pay back the loan, anyway — but what do I know?

I know this: I won’t be writing a cheque for $399 to get my name etched on a piece of aluminum and Canadian maple that looks like a high-end set of Lego blocks.

Actually, you can get yours done for the bargain price of

$349 if you’re a season-ticket holder (this offer expires Aug. 30, just before midnight, so you’ll have to think fast).

“Fans asked us, as they have throughout the pandemic: ‘How can we help?’” Ambrosie said in a news release heralding the plan. “It’s an incredible opportunit­y to show your pride in our storied history and your faith in our bright future.”

I suppose it’s better than a telethon or Gofundme page.

And it is unique.

You won’t just get your name enshrined on the fancy base, either.

A “digital collectors’ item certificat­e of authentici­ty” will be displayed at a special website, where “an immersive digital experience” will allow you to “get up close” with the fan base and see your name.

And of course, nothing actually happens in this world today until you share it on social media. So an “augmented reality” will allow you to display the base digitally in your home, allowing you to share it with friends and family on the Facebook, the Twitter and Instagram machines, etc.

Oh, and each team will recognize their local donors somewhere in their stadium.

Sounds like it’s tailored for the Me Generation, although I’m not sure how many of those are CFL fans.

The CFL trumpeted the kickoff with a video depicting historic Grey Cup moments, focusing on the lifting of the Cup.

“This is your league,” the narrator says, the drama in his voice matching the pictures. “Through fog and rain. In tragedy and triumph. You are the foundation of this league. Now take your place in history. Etch your name on the Grey Cup fan base. Become a part of the Grey Cup’s legacy. Add your name, and raise the Cup.”

It was all a little much, although what can you do when you don’t have current games and players to sell, I suppose.

Perhaps this thing will sell out faster than you can say Solomon Elimimian.

At least Ambrosie consulted with the head of the CFL Players Associatio­n before launching this fundraiser, unlike his initial solo expedition to Ottawa.

“This fan support initiative will help us through 2020 and into 2021 as we look to come back stronger than ever before,” the linebacker said in the news release.

All proceeds, the release says, go to the teams and the players.

The players who are sticking around, that is. Without a league to play in this summer, the CFL had no choice but to allow the men who do the heavy lifting to look elsewhere for their pay.

A steady trickle of NFL hopefuls has ensued, from high-profile quarterbac­k Mcleod Bethel-thompson of the Argos to people we’d barely heard of yet, like Blue Bombers’ defensive back Ranthony Texada, to veteran kickers Sergio Castillo (Lions), Brett Lauther and Jon Ryan ( both Riders).

Those who opt out of their contracts won’t be eligible for the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy the feds are providing, but Ryan told reporters as a former NFLER with lots of money he shouldn’t be taking that from the rest of us, anyway.

So there are still good-hearted people out there, despite all the evidence to the contrary in my Twitter feed.

Perhaps the CFL will benefit from all that goodwill and fill up the spots on that fancy Lego set.

I have my doubts, but I’d have no problem saying I was wrong.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? B.C. Lions’ kicker Sergio Castillo has opted out of his CFL contract, hoping for a shot in the NFL.
THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES B.C. Lions’ kicker Sergio Castillo has opted out of his CFL contract, hoping for a shot in the NFL.
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