Edmonton Journal

Food bank will relieve poverty, give veterans stable environmen­t

- NATHAN MARTIN nmartin@postmedia.com @Editwithmo­use

A new food bank has opened in Edmonton with the goal of providing food hampers and more for military veterans and their families.

The Veterans Associatio­n Food Bank has set up shop at 17218 107 Ave. It's operated by veterans with 100 per cent of donations going directly to the food bank and its programs, like peer support and fundamenta­l needs.

“The food bank is designed to relieve poverty and provide basic fundamenta­l needs for veterans and to promote a stable environmen­t for veterans affected by loneliness, addiction and mental health,” said John Kennedy, the food bank's assistant operations manager. “We found there's a requiremen­t here to help veterans.”

The programs include things like providing food hampers, gift cards, peer support, weekly meetings, intake support, VAC claims, medical referrals, training programs and a Tuesday soup night. The associatio­n's motto is “Veterans helping veterans.”

Kennedy, who left the service in 1997, said he suffered from depression and anxiety, which caused him to isolate, and it's that type of veterans the food bank is reaching out to help.

“The hard part is getting the veterans in the door. So many veterans are suffering mentally or physically that they can't get out (of their home). Part of the trauma of PTSD is you self-isolate,” Kennedy said.

All it takes is for a veteran to make a phone call, or maybe someone makes that call for them, for the bank to offer assistance, Kennedy added.

“This is my opportunit­y to give back to the veterans in the community,” he said.

The community is starting to take notice. Kennedy said a 72-year-old veteran showed to help out after hearing about the place at his local Legion.

“He's been out of the military for years,” Kennedy said.

“That's the veteran community — it doesn't matter what decade you served in, we all have each other's six.”

The Veterans Associatio­n Food Bank started in Calgary and was incorporat­ed in 2018 as a not-forprofit.

Kennedy said it has really grown and he hopes the Edmonton site does just as well.

The food bank runs on non-perishable food donations but will be accepting perishable in the future once it gets a cooler or freezer.

It also accepts financial donations.

Kennedy said they've already received a donation to upgrade the flooring in the new facility.

Donations are accepted at the location as well as on its website at veteransas­sociationf­oodbank.ca, or by calling 403-367-8387.

 ?? ED KAISER ?? Veteran and volunteer Bruce Given helps Janice Fletcher with her food donations at the Veterans Associatio­n Food Bank, which aims to strengthen the military veterans community.
ED KAISER Veteran and volunteer Bruce Given helps Janice Fletcher with her food donations at the Veterans Associatio­n Food Bank, which aims to strengthen the military veterans community.

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