Edmonton Journal

`No eureka moment'

U of A virologist describes work that led to discovery of hepatitis C in 1980s

- DYLAN SHORT dshort@postmedia.com twitter.com/dylanshort_

The University of Alberta virologist to become the first Canadian-based medical researcher to win the Nobel Prize since Frederick Banting and John Macleod in 1923 says his team steadily worked in steps, with no single “eureka” moment.

Dr. Michael Houghton, 69, claimed the Nobel Prize in medicine earlier this month alongside two U.S. scientists for work that led to the discovery of the hepatitis C virus in the 1980s.

Houghton has been director of the University of Alberta's Li Ka Shing applied virology institute since 2013, after he secured a Canada Excellence in Research Chair position.

But it is his work performed over a decade in the 1980s that made Houghton a household name among the virologist community.

After earning his PHD in England, Houghton landed a role at the U.s.-based biotech company, Chiron. It was there he was tasked to identify the virus that was then known as non-a, non-b hepatitis.

“At that time in 1982, if you had a blood transfusio­n in the United States and Canada, there was around a five to seven per cent chance you would come out of surgery, after blood transfusio­n, with non-a, non-b hepatitis,” said Houghton.

Hepatitis C is currently attributed to 400,000 deaths worldwide annually. If left untreated, it can cause cirrhosis in the liver and in some cases, cancer.

Houghton and his team tried a variety of different virology methods to identify the virus that was behind the new string of hepatitis.

They attempted to culture the virus similar to how HIV was managed, tried to find antibodies in hepatitis patients and compared it to various mosquito-borne diseases. Nothing worked.

“It was really groping around in the dark, looking for a needle in the haystack,” said Houghton.

They began working with teams from around the world to look at infected blood from chimpanzee­s and patients in a method called expression screening.

Over two years, they looked at millions of samples of cloned DNA taken from infected livers. They eventually identified a tiny clone they believed was from the virus.

“We realized from the (DNA) sequence that well, this is a new virus ... there's nothing really very similar to this in all the viruses that we know of,” said Houghton.

The clone led to a larger chain and eventually Houghton's team was able to publish a groundbrea­king paper labelling the virus as hepatitis C.

“We screened hundreds of millions of clones during that seven years and we found just one little small one. But that was it, that was now our molecular handle, with that we could characteri­ze our whole genome and the field of hep C started,” said Houghton. “There was no one eureka moment, we steadily build up evidence.”

After the virus was identified, it took another three years to to eliminate it from the world's blood supply.

In the years following, various drugs were created to stop the symptoms of hepatitis C, with very few side effects.

Houghton is now working with his team in Edmonton to create a vaccine to stop the spread of hepatitis C worldwide.

“The WHO, World Health Organizati­on, estimates that there's two to three million infections still every year around the world. In Canada, there's up to 12,000 new infections every year,” said Houghton.

Houghton's team in Alberta is currently manufactur­ing a vaccine, working through the process to have it approved for human use.

When that is complete, billions of dollars will be saved in healthcare costs.

“It's 10- to 100-fold less expensive to vaccinate high-risk groups than it is to treat them with these expensive antivirals,” said Houghton.


Now, with a $750,000 federal grant, Houghton is working on a vaccine for the virus behind COVID-19. He believes there will be a need for multiple vaccines in order to curb the worldwide pandemic.

There are currently two vaccines being produced, one in Oxford and one by a company called Moderna. Both are now being tested. Those will give the population short-term immunity but longterm immunity will require a third immunizati­on, believes Houghton, maybe even an annual vaccinatio­n to keep antibodies up.

 ??  ?? Michael Houghton
Michael Houghton

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