Edmonton Journal


Federal parties ready plans


• The three main national parties are firing up their election engines, even as they insist they want to steer clear of a campaign.

Liberals, Conservati­ves and New Democrats are on the move in advance of a potential election this year, recruiting candidates, training volunteers and grappling with how to kiss babies and press the flesh in a virtual, pandemic-restricted world. The uncertaint­y of COVID-19 has left each party ravenously raising funds and wooing would-be nominees while suspended in a kind of limbo, forced to map out multiple scenarios for an election whose timing under a minority Liberal government remains unknown.

The Conservati­ves are first out of the gate on several tracks, including fundraisin­g, nomination­s and digital prep.

The party says it raised a record $8.5 million in the first three months of the year — a windfall more than twice the size of any other party's last quarter — and has nominated 197 candidates so far, including incumbents.

It also set up what communicat­ions director Cory Hann calls a “state of the art broadcast studio” in a ballroom at the Westin hotel in downtown Ottawa equipped with stage lights, multiple cameras and a massive background screen.

“It allows us to beam the leader across the country, whether it be through a Zoom meeting or a live stream or press conference­s,” Hann said.

The Tory election budget of $30 million also means Leader Erin O'toole could spend indulgentl­y to criss-cross the country preaching his message, one church basement at a time, should public-health measures allow it.

For the NDP, ground zero is a basement.

Jennifer Howard, campaign director and chief of staff to leader Jagmeet Singh, spends her days in the depths of her south Ottawa home.

Like other parties, the NDP is planning a heavier focus on online campaignin­g and social media advertisin­g, which can micro-target voters by age and location to provide more bang for the buck.

Party brass have met with strategist­s who helped run U.S. President Joe Biden's field operations last year as well as organizers from British Columbia to New Zealand to soak up lessons from elections fought in the grips of COVID-19.

Morale remains a concern on all sides. Howard hopes her party can grow camaraderi­e among the grassroots without the hothouse of bricks-and-mortar headquarte­rs or late-night beers and bull sessions.

“You do it because you believe in something, but there's also a great social element to it,” she said of PRECOVID campaignin­g.

To stoke team spirit, the NDP created what she calls a “virtual campaign office.” Launched last month, the private Team Jagmeet Facebook group posts how-to guides on digital promotion and upbeat messages from online organizers to spread the orange gospel.

The party also aims to capitalize on Singh's social media savvy. Recent posts show the 42-year-old politician dancing to hip-hop beats in a Montreal square and tying his hair in a Sikh warrior knot, part of an effort to establish an emotional connection with digital natives.

“It might not be possible to do door-to-door campaignin­g in some parts of the country, which has been a lot of the kind of bread and butter of Ndp-style ground campaigns,” said NDP national director Anne Mcgrath, noting leaders' social media game could be all the more critical.

The NDP has nominated 65 candidates, with 33 more nomination dates scheduled before the end of June. The Greens have named five candidates, including all three MPS and leader Annamie Paul, who remains without a seat in the House of Commons. The Liberals had nominated 152 candidates — 129 are incumbents — as of last week.

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