Edmonton Journal

Autumn can be an ideal time for laying sod

- GERALD FILIPSKI Learn more by emailing questions to filipskige­rald@gmail.com, reading past columns or my book Just Ask Jerry. You can also follow me on Twitter @justaskjer­ry01.

Q This year, about 20 per cent of my potatoes have holes or gouges in them, as if something was munching on them, yet I have never seen any tunnels to indicate a mole or vole, etc. Have you heard of this before? A The damage is likely being caused by wireworms. These are larvae of the click beetle. The damage you describe is typical of the wireworm and can also include tunnels in the potato tubers. The Alberta Agricultur­e site has an excellent link I included online with informatio­n on wireworms background, life cycles and how to control them.

This link addresses more of the commercial aspects of the control of wireworms. There are a couple things to try as a homeowner. Since these larvae overwinter in the soil, keep your eyes open for them while digging in the spring and remove any you see. You can also bury bait potatoes in the spring and check them regularly for larvae removing any you may find.

The other option that may be more effective is to rotate your crops. Move your potato patch to another location on a regular basis. This helps prevent the wireworm problem, while also controllin­g scab.


Q I have been planting garlic in the fall for years with good success. I'm wondering if I can also plant onion bulbs in the fall?

A The best time to plant onion sets is in the early spring. March or April is the ideal time but if the weather is not conducive you can plant as late as May.


Q When does the weather become too cold to lay down sod? My landscaper proposes sodding my yard on Oct. 14.

Can the grass take root before winter?

A The fall can be an ideal time to lay sod. Cooler temperatur­es and more humid conditions are perfect for avoiding the sod overheatin­g as can often happen in the summer months. Sod usually takes six weeks to establish a good root system and a minimum of two weeks for at least a shallow root system.

The ideal theoretica­l window for laying sod is between May 1 and Oct. 30, but actual weather and frost conditions will determine success.


Q I'm getting so frustrated trying to grow supertunia­s. They start out looking great in the spring and then the heat of the summer arrives and they start to fade away and start looking scraggly. I water them regularly and feed them every second week with ultra bloom. What am I doing wrong?

A You are not doing anything wrong but you are missing one important step. With supertunia­s it's important to give them a haircut in the middle of summer. In July they need a good haircut to revive them and help the plant concentrat­e its energy into producing more blossoms rather than expending that energy on the existing stems and leaves.

I had this proven to me a few years ago when I went to a friend's house and was blown away by the most massive display of supertunia­s I'd ever seen. His hanging basket had petunias hanging two metres down. My friend then informed me that he prunes heavily in July. The more research I did on this the more I found that this pruning technique can produce a massive amount of blooms. I've included two excellent videos with this column online showing two slightly different pruning techniques — both methods work so it's a personal choice.

 ?? METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION ?? A reader asks: can sod take root in fall?
METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION A reader asks: can sod take root in fall?
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