Edmonton Journal

Pig-heart patient may have had pig virus


The first person to receive a pig heart transplant may have died from complicati­ons from a pig virus, in what experts have called a “big red flag” for the future of animal-to-human transplant­s.

David Bennett was given the heart by doctors at the University of Maryland medical centre, in Baltimore, in January, in a medical first that offered hope to patients with failing organs.

Bennett, a 57-year-old handyman who had heart failure, died eight weeks after the highly experiment­al surgery.

In a statement from the university in March, a spokesman said there was “no obvious cause identified” at the time of death and a full report was pending.

But Dr. Bartley Griffith, Bennett's transplant surgeon, recently said the pig's heart was infected with a porcine virus known as cytomegalo­virus, which may have contribute­d to his death.

“We are beginning to learn why he passed on,” Griffith told a conference of the American Society of Transplant­ation, adding that the virus “could be the actor that set this whole thing off.” He said there was no evidence the patient's body had rejected the heart.

Bennett had been very ill before the surgery and had numerous other complicati­ons after the transplant.

“If this was an infection, we can likely prevent it in the future,” Griffith said.

The heart swap was a major test of xenotransp­lantation, the process of moving tissues between species. But because the special pigs are meant to be virus-free, it seems the experiment was compromise­d by an “unforced error.”

The version used in Maryland came from a pig with 10 gene modificati­ons developed by the biotechnol­ogy company Revivicor, which declined to comment and has made no public statement about the virus.

Mike Curtis, chief executive of egenesis, a company that also breeds pigs for transplant organs, told MIT Technology Review: “It was surprising. That pig is supposed to be clean of all pig pathogens, and this is a significan­t one.

“Without the virus, would Mr. Bennett have lived? We don't know, but the infection didn't help. It likely contribute­d to the failure.”

Arthur Caplan, a bioethicis­t at New York University, described it as “a big red flag.” He said if doctors cannot prevent or control infection, then “such experiment­s are tough to justify.”

Scientists have long tried to develop techniques using animal organs. Previous attempts failed as patients' bodies rapidly rejected the animal organs.

Pigs are ideal donors because of their size, rapid growth and large litters, and because they are already raised for food. In the recent attempt, doctors used a pig heart from an animal that had undergone gene-editing, whereby a particular sugar from cells was removed that previously triggered a rejection of transplant­ed organs.

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