Edmonton Journal

Nuclear waste group narrows search for permanent storage to two Ontario sites

Plan is for fuel to decay over time while enclosed by barriers in deep repository


Canada has moved one step closer to finding a permanent spot to store the millions of bundles of radioactiv­e waste that have been generated in the nearly half-century since it started producing nuclear energy.

The Nuclear Waste Management Organizati­on (NWMO), a Toronto-based non-profit created by Parliament that has been scouring the country for storage spots since 2010, detailed in reports this week why it believes two communitie­s in Ontario could safely store radioactiv­e nuclear waste for time immemorial.

The list of potential spots has been narrowed from 22 communitie­s to just two: the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation-ignace area in northweste­rn Ontario and the Saugeen Ojibway Nation- South Bruce area in southern Ontario.

“The larger plan, of course, is (to build) a deep geologic repository where you put the fuel in a stable undergroun­d location,” Paul Gierszewsk­i, director of Safety and Technical Research at the NWMO, said. “It would be surrounded by various barriers, and … (would) hold the fuel while it just sits there, and its radioactiv­ity passively decays away.”

Gierszewsk­i estimated there are a couple of million radioactiv­e bundles of spent nuclear fuel — each about the size of a fireplace log and weighing around 20 kilograms — currently stored at various nuclear reactors and research sites in New Brunswick, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. But that is considered a temporary arrangemen­t until a permanent storage site deep below the earth's surface can be built.

The NWMO in 2023 plans to select one of the two communitie­s, South Bruce or Ignace, as the place to permanentl­y store the radioactiv­e waste, and then begin the impact assessment process and constructi­on.

As a result, within several years, two trucks per day could begin carrying nuclear waste to a permanent storage location, Gierszewsk­i said.

Building the undergroun­d cavern to store the waste is one the largest infrastruc­ture projects in Canadian history, according to NWMO spokespers­on Bruce Logan.

“What the government said is we really want to find a long-term solution,” he said.

The search for a permanent storage site comes as the federal government pushes towards building small modular reactors that could be distribute­d to mines and oil project or remote locations that are dependent on diesel generators for electricit­y, rather than the large-scale nuclear reactors of the past half-century.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is reviewing a licence for a small modular reactor, and a spokesman for USNC-POWER, a subsidiary of Seattle-based Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp., has said it would like to build 100 scaleddown reactors around Canada over the next two decades.

But Allison Macfarlane, director of the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia, and former chairwoman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said that small reactors are still an emerging technology with many unanswered questions.

“None of them have been built yet,” she said. “We really don't understand what the costs are going to be yet.”

Macfarlane also said finding an undergroun­d storage spot for radioactiv­e waste, which contains various isotopes, some of which takes millions of years to decay, is imperative. Exposure to the waste can cause radiation illness or cancer.

“It's highly radioactiv­e material, and we need to minimize our exposure to it because we can't make it disappear,” she said. “Leaving it on the surface is not a good option.”

Nuclear energy proponents say it emits fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, which is an important considerat­ion as the country works to reduce its emissions to net zero by 2050 to limit climate change.

But nuclear disasters, such as the Fukushima meltdown in 2011 after a tsunami hit Japan, and Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986 that released radiation and forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people, as well as high constructi­on costs have created concerns around the growth of nuclear power.

The NWMO'S “confidence and safety reports” released Thursday offer details on the differing geology of each potential permanent storage area.

The Ignace area in Northweste­rn Ontario, known as the Revell site, is part of the Canadian Shield and features crystallin­e rock that is 2.7 billion years old, according to the report.

“This rock unit has the depth, breadth and volume to isolate the repository from surface disturbanc­es and changes caused by human activities and natural events,” the report said.

Meanwhile, the rock formation in the South Bruce area is sedimentar­y limestone estimated to be 360 million to 485 million years old.

“There is currently no indication that the South Bruce Site location will experience extreme rates of erosion, uplift, or subsidence that would significan­tly perturb the geosphere over the next million years,” the report said.

Gierszewsk­i said the permanent storage site will look like an undergroun­d mine, with rooms where radioactiv­e waste, packaged in steel and concrete containers, can sit.

“There's three things that we needed to have confidence in,” he said. “Safety: It has to be a safe site, able to hold the fuel. Transporta­tion: We needed to be able to move the fuel from where it is now at the various nuclear stations to the site. And partnershi­p: We want to be working with the communitie­s; they have to be part of this process.”

It’s highly radioactiv­e material, and we need to minimize our exposure to it ... Leaving it on the surface is not a good option.

 ?? WAYNE CUDDINGTON FILES ?? The Nuclear Waste Management Organizati­on will next year choose the Ontario community of South Bruce or Ignace as the place to permanentl­y store the country's radioactiv­e waste.
WAYNE CUDDINGTON FILES The Nuclear Waste Management Organizati­on will next year choose the Ontario community of South Bruce or Ignace as the place to permanentl­y store the country's radioactiv­e waste.

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