Edmonton Journal

Wife of accused cop killer testifies

Mistook officers for strangers who might hurt them


• The wife of a man accused of killing a Toronto police constable told his murder trial Tuesday that she thought the people approachin­g them that night were trying to break into their car to hurt them.

Aaida Shaikh told jurors hearing Umar Zameer's case that a man and woman initially walked toward their BMW in an undergroun­d parking garage shortly after midnight on July 2, 2021, but then rushed over after she signalled that she and her husband didn't want to talk.

Shaikh said at one point, she caught a glimpse of a silver chain with a “black thing” on it after the woman pulled it out of her shirt, but figured it was a fake badge because it didn't look like what she had seen in the movies.

She said she briefly considered the possibilit­y that the pair may be police, but quickly dismissed that idea because they weren't dressed like police officers and were coming at them suspicious­ly and aggressive­ly, banging on the car in a way that made her think they were trying to break the windows.

Zameer has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the death of Det. Const. Jeffrey Northrup, who died on July 2, 2021 after he was struck by a car while investigat­ing a stabbing in an undergroun­d parking garage at Toronto City Hall.

Court has heard Zameer was not involved in the stabbing.

The officers were in plain clothes, meaning not in uniform, and went to the garage to look for evidence, court has heard.

Prosecutor­s allege Zameer chose to make a series of manoeuvres with his vehicle while plaincloth­es officers were nearby.

The defence, meanwhile, argues Northrup's death was an accident, and Zameer and his wife, who was eight months pregnant at the time, were scared because they did not know the people approachin­g them were police. Their two-year-old son was also in the car at the time.

On the stand Tuesday, Shaikh — who at times teared up as she recalled the events of that night — said the whole thing happened so quickly and it felt like the pair banging on the car were “everywhere.”

The man was banging on the roof at one point and she thought he was trying to break through the sunroof, she said.

“In my head their intention is to break the window to hurt us,” she said.

She saw her husband turn to look back out the rear window and put the car in reverse, then the car backed up at an angle, straighten­ed out in the laneway and drove straight for the exit, she said.

They went over what felt like a speed bump and then made two right turns to go toward the garage's exit, Shaikh said.

Zameer, who had previously been largely silent, told her to call police, she said, adding she had to ask him whether to dial 911 or 999.

She told the court she was “shaking so bad” trying to call first responders. As soon as she succeeded, their car was hit by another one, she recalled.

When she looked out the window, there were two men in casual clothes holding guns — one by her window and another by her husband's, she said.

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