Edmonton Journal

Surgical facility is life-changing

Re. “Survivors seek resources for head and neck cancers,” April 16


Thank you Cindy Tran, David Bloom and the Edmonton Journal for bringing attention to the potential loss of Institute for Reconstruc­tive Sciences in Medicine (iRSM) services, which are essential to the quality of life of head and neck cancer patients. Bernie Krewski's patient experience­s exemplify those shared by many.

Imagine you are involved in a horrific accident that requires a team of skilled surgeons to save your life. Nonetheles­s, you can no longer speak or eat and require a feeding tube. You can't communicat­e with family or friends, make a simple call to book an appointmen­t or eat a meal at a restaurant. Working is out of the question. Socializin­g is not part of your life and you are lonely, maybe even depressed.

At iRSM, your speech is returned; changed, but good enough to get by. Eating a piece of toast is achievable, along with all the other food you have always enjoyed. You ponder volunteeri­ng, maybe applying for a job. A modern-day miracle.

Now imagine this is no longer available — iRSM and its gifted team of doctors and specialist­s are long gone, and it would seem to be the result of bureaucrat­ic bungling, buck-passing or whatever label is being applied these days. Nowhere else in Alberta offers this specialize­d care. Doctors from around the world who came to train at this unique facility are gone as well.

Why? Head and neck cancer patients who languish on a long wait-list and those who rely on iRSM for ongoing care are asking themselves this. Covenant Health, please don't turn your back on retention of this world-famous facility for those patients whose quality of life hangs in the balance.

Debbie Hall-Lavoie, Edmonton

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