Edmonton Journal

Low-maintenanc­e lilacs to perfume your yard


Q: I remember as a child walking past my grandparen­ts' lilac bush and loving the fragrance that filled the yard. But I also remember my grandfathe­r on his hands and knees cutting out lilac suckers. I really would like to include a lilac in my new yard and was hoping you could offer some suggestion­s for varieties that might be non-suckering.

A: I'm not certain when lilacs fell out of favour in the gardening community. It may have been when gardeners grew tired of having to fight with the suckering French lilacs of old. Today there are many lilacs that make great additions to the home landscape. Many of these new varieties are non–suckering and do not grow to the huge proportion­s of the old lilacs.

Here is a list of some of my favourite varieties that are more than worthy of trial in your garden:

Dwarf Korean lilac (Syringa

Meyerii `Palabin' or Syringa patula `Miss Kim') — One of my favourite plants for the landscape. This shrub grows to a height of 100 centimetre­s with a spread of 130 cm on average. It grows as a compact, dense, uniform rounded shrub with a very clean and neat branching habit. The leaves are much smaller than a regular lilac and are dark green. The blooms start off as reddish-purple buds opening into pale pink. The bloom is profuse on healthy shrubs.

The wonderful fragrance can fill a yard with scent on a warm, still day. The plant is very low maintenanc­e and easily adapts to many soil conditions.

The bonus with this plant is that it will re-bloom later in the summer. The bloom is not as profuse as the first bloom but I always appreciate the fact that I can enjoy two rounds of lilac scent.

Minuet lilac — (Syringa x

■ prestoniae `Minuet') — Another non-suckering smaller lilac. This one grows to 150 cm in height and 11 cm wide. It is also a dense, compact shrub but has large, dark green leaves and single light pink flowers in late spring.

Royalty lilac (Syringa x pres

■ toniae `Royalty' — Non-invasive lilac that suckers only from the base of the plant and not from the roots. This makes pruning out the suckers as easy as a regular pruning. Height is 130 cm and width is 140 cm. Dark green leaves and single, deep-purple large flowers in spring.

Every week, Growing Things Outdoors runs online at edmontonjo­urnal.com or, if you prefer an epaper format, epaper.edmontonjo­urnal. com. Learn more by emailing your questions to filipskige­rald@gmail.com, reading past columns or my book Just Ask Jerry. You can also follow me on X @justaskjer­ry01.

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