ELLE (Canada)



As a misfit myself, I truly enjoyed the refreshing and candid nature of Guy Saddy’s “Fauxcentri­cs” piece [ELLE Opinion, October 2014]. His analysis of off-centre branding in pop culture was on point, and he was fearless enough to call out some of the most highly regarded artists of the moment, such as Lady Gaga and Lena Dunham, while contrastin­g them against true eccentrics, such as the quirky and honest Björk. But what made the piece truly memorable for me was that it mentioned the value of true eccentrici­ty in art and how it has the power to influence our perception­s. In this day and age of the ever-present self-invented persona, it is nice to know that there are still a few people who can recognize the real thing. KIM NARAINE, MONTREAL

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